
DreamHack Winter 2017: to the Grand Finals!

CS2 / News / 3 December 2017 — 12:39

Close battles, but we move on!

The semifinals saw uaNatus Vincere G2A play against frTeam EnVyUs. The Bo3 had lots of close and exciting moments, and ultimately, uaNatus Vincere G2A advance to the grand finals of DreamHack Winter 2017!

Picks and bans

Natus Vincere



The first game of the series, taking place on de_overpass, started off very well for uaNaVi, as we claimed the pistol round right away, and capitalized on that heavily. Throughout the first half, we kept either bombing the target or eliminating the entire opposing team. frEnVyUs did not seem to find any solid opening for 10 rounds straight, as we got into a very comfortable lead. Only 2 rounds went their way, and uaNaVi closed out the half 13:2.

The second half was a mirror reflection of the first one. frEnVyUs got the pistol round, while we got the next one. That was followed by 4-round streak from the T-side, as now it was uaNaVi who could not get a consistent opening despite our best attempts. However, we were still in the lead and were not clutching the game out. Another round victory eventually scored us the matchpoint, but frEnVyUs did not give up and denied it 4 times in a row, getting uncomfortably close. We decided to go for the decisive measures, and they proved fruitful, as we claim the first map with the score 16:11

Game 2 - natus vincere [2:0] envyus

The pistol round was claimed by the frEnVyUs, as they kept getting better trades, and the next one was snatched by them as well. Round 3 was almost taken by them again, as we lost the bomb carrier in a rather unfortunate place, but uas1mple and ruelectronic managed to get us the first round on board. Neither team, though, managed to get a convincing series for a while, as the opponent maintained 2-round lead. It was getting extremely close, as frEnVyUs only needed 1 point to get the first half, and we closed out the round 7:8.

Pistol round went to frEnVyUs after a 2v1 clutch, which we did not manage to pull off. We did not get any points for 4 rounds straight, despite certainly coming close. 2-round series surely allowed us to catch up, but not enough to tie the series just yet; uaNaVi finally caught up at 13:13, but traded round again - 14:14. Finally, we got the matchpoint, 15:14, and confidently took over the round, with ruflamie claiming an ace! GGWP, and we move to the grand finals!