
MDL Changsha Major qualifiers: the first victory

Dota 2 / News / 21 March 2018 — 14:21

A good start!

The first game for ua NAVI.GG.BET at MDL Changsha Major qualifiers was against ru slozhniy memas. The series ended with 2:1 victory for ua NAVI.

Game 1 - Natus Vincere [1:0] slozhniy memas

Picks and bans

slozhniy memas
  • Velheor
  • Shachlo
  • yume
  • GGwpLanaya
  • 11zone

  • Crystallize
  • LeBron
  • Lil
  • Dendi
  • GeneRaL

The game started off with some action on the map, active rotations coming in from ua Lil to secure the lanes. He did a lot around the map, and ua Dendi felt extremely comfortable in the middle lane, just like ua Crystallize. As we've hit our levels and items, we started trying to get some towers and pickoffs, but did so only with moderate success. 

A good start did not transform into a solid lead into the mid game, as ru slozhniy memas managed to get a few kills on our core heroes. ua NAVI were pushing the towers quite well, but the opponents also had a strong tower potential. 25 minutes in ru slozhniy memas took down the first Roshan, but the Aegis for Vengeful Spirit was dropped almost immediately, as we had a good fight.

Soon the Radiant tried to go for our high ground, but did not manage to take it down, and we responded by taking down enemy bottom T3 and the top tower soon after. Another Aegis for ru slozhniy memas stalled the game, as ua NAVI did not want to fight into it just yet. Eventually, though, we re-established the map control, and a few fights here and there allowed us to get a decisive advantage.

45 minutes in ua NAVI tried to go for the midlane, but lost Shadow Fiend very fast, and ua Dendi had to use the buyback. ru slozhniy memas overextended and were punished - having killed 2 enemy heroes, we took down Roshan of our own. Eventually, a series of fights forced the opponents to buy back to defend, but they did not have enough for that - we take the game 1!

Game 2 - Natus Vincere [1:1] slozhniy memas

Picks and bans

slozhniy memas
  • Shachlo
  • yume
  • GGwpLanaya
  • 11zone
  • Velheor

  • Lil
  • LeBron
  • Crystallize
  • Dendi
  • GeneRaL

The second game started off similar to the previous one, with plenty of rotations around the map by both teams. Lil managed to rake up a few kills for himself, but Tinker did not have a game of his lifetime in the middle lane, dying twice by 10 minutes. 15 minutes in ua NAVI had a very unfortunate fight, losing 4 and a tower. Slowly but surely, ru slozhniy memas took the initiative on the map.

Soon the Radiant took down the first Roshan of the game and proceeded to go the middle lane. We defended with all we've had, but still the T3 tower in the midlane fell. ru slozhniy memas disengaged, taking down Shrines and returned, destroying the barracks - ua Dendi had to buy back, but Terrorblade managed to kill him after the buyback. The game was becoming very hard for us, and we went for a desperation Roshan. which ended up working out - even if we did not take him down, we won the fight.

With the majority of the enemy team dead, ua NAVI could go for a few towers and even a potential high ground. Yet a comeback from us was rather short-lived, as ru slozhniy memas turned the game back in their favor, eventually taking down all the barracks - Mega Creeps. The last fight in our base did not work out - gg, as we move to the decider map!

Game 3 - Natus Vincere [2:1] slozhniy memas

Picks and bans

slozhniy memas
  • yume
  • Shachlo
  • Velheor
  • 11zone
  • GGwpLanaya

  • LeBron
  • GeneRaL
  • Lil
  • Crystallize
  • Dendi

The final game of the series saw a quite active beginning, with plenty of ganks both ways. Around 7 minutes, there was a total of 15 kills on the map, but ua Crystallize enjoyed unlimited farm for himself. By 10 minutes we were 4k net worth up. A few skirmishes and pickoffs made the situation on the map a tad bit more unstable, but not enough to turn the game around for the opponent.

The first Roshan went the way of ru slozhniy memas, and they tried to go for the high ground soon after. Yet ua NAVI were ready for that, and defended successfully. More fights followed, and our advantage was still solid. Another high ground siege failed, and ru slozhniy memas found themselves in a rather precarious situation - lost Aegis and all the heroes, which resulted in the T3 in the bottom being lost. In a desperation move, the Radiant went for the last siege, which did not work out yet again - GG WP, we move forth!