
Mission completed: Immortal Crystallize

Dota 2 / News / 22 April 2018 — 14:24

Crystallize and his 0 deaths!

Today, ua NAVI.GG.BET defeated ru Team Empire, claiming the slot for ESL One Birmingham CIS Qualifiers. Even though ru Team Empire are considered to be some of the most formidable CIS teams (and rightfully so), ua Natus Vincere claimed the series with a clean 3:0 victory.

An honorable mention goes to ua Vlaadislav "Crystallize" Krystanek. Throughout the entire 3 games, our core player did not die once, never allowing the opponents to claim the bounty for his head. Note that for 2 games, ua Crystallize played as Morphling, switching to Lycan in between.

Game 1

Game 2

Game 3

It is noteworthy that the victory in the third map was claimed by "yellow-black" in less than 20 minutes: having destroyed the barracks on the bottom lane, the guys switched immediately to the T4 towers and left no chances for the opponents to even attempt a comeback.

We hope that now our players will pass the main challenge at the embassy and will get visas without a hitch . We look forward to ua Natus Vincere playing just as skillfully and confidently at the LAN final! #gonavi