
EPICENTER XL: victory over VP

Dota 2 / News / 30 April 2018 — 20:45

A tough and important victory!

Another series of ua NAVI.GG.BET was against ru The Bo3 ended with an almost unbelievable victory - 2:1 for us!

Game 1 - Natus Vincere [0:1]

Picks and bans

  • GeneRaL
  • Lil
  • LeBron
  • Dendi
  • Crystallize
  • RodjER
  • No[o]ne
  • 9pasha
  • Solo
  • RAMZES666

The first game of the series started off with a few kills being traded both ways. ua NAVI were able to utilize their aggressive heroes to respond effectively to the rotations of ru By 10 minutes, both cores of both teams were able to get their money. Leshrac was able to pick off a few important heroes, allowing us to get towers.

Both teams were looking for as many fights as possible, and not all of them were going as expected - smoke fight at 16 minutes saw 4 players dead on the side of ua NAVI. Yet just a couple of minutes, Io brought Death Prophet right into the welcoming hands of Chaos Knight - 2 kills for ua Crystallize. 20 minutes in ru took the first Roshan of the game.

Despite the Aegis, ua Natus Vincere was rather strong, so for the next few minutes not much was happening, save for a few kills both ways. However, at 28 minutes Leshrac almost took down the mid T3, and ru responded almost immediately with the rotation back. We decided to start a fight, Doom-ing Death Prophet, but unfortunately, not managing to follow it up. This turned out to be a rather pivotal fight, as ua NAVI lost all 5 heroes and a tower.

This fight made our position a lot worse. Chaos Knight was rather far behind Troll Warlord. We were falling behind rather fast, and a few fights put us on the back foot. ru slowly reclaimed the map control and the T3 towers. Finally, ua NAVI did not manage to conduct the last fight well, and having no buybacks, conceded the first game.

Game 2 - Natus Vincere [1:1]

Picks and bans
  • Solo
  • RodjER
  • 9pasha
  • RAMZES666
  • No[o]ne

  • Lil
  • LeBron
  • GeneRaL
  • Crystallize
  • Dendi

The game 2 started off rather calmly at first, as ua Lil could not really go on too much offensive, since ua Crystallize was struggling in the middle lane. The First Blood was spilt by ru, but the follow-up kill immediately happened in the top lane. Still, the kills were mostly going the way of ru The fight in the middle lane 9 minutes in, though, saw us reclaim quite a bit of our disadvantage.

As Slark purchased his Shadow Blade, he tried to go for a first gank, which failed, but just a minute later, he still got his due in the midlane fight. Around 18 minutes ru VP attempted the first Roshan, but ua NAVI were hanging around, preventing that. Still, an unfortunate fight in the top lane near T2 allowed the Radiant to take a fast Roshan.

The kills kept being traded around the map. However, ua NAVI was able to get the core kills, while ru were mostly taking supports. 30 minutes in the Radiant managed to take the Roshan again, and ua NAVI had to take more defensive stance, only getting out for a few more kills, waiting for the Aegis to expire. 36 minutes in ru engaged aggressively, and we had to respond - 2 heroes lost without buyback, but we kept all lanes.

Troll Warlord was breaking further ahead in terms of net worth. Yet a couple of frags, one being on the core Lina, allowed ua NAVI to deal significant damage to top T3. After that, though, we had to retreat, and ru used that to take the third Roshan. 42 minutes in ru Ramzes finally managed to take down the first T3 tower of the game, weakening our map control.

As ru were retreating, ua NAVI decided to go on the offensive yet again, killing 2 heroes of the opponent. Eventually, we took down the barracks and a prolonged fight ensued, forcing the buybacks. A few mistakes by ru ultimately led to the last Roshan fight, where the core heroes of theirs died very fast with no buyback - we take game 2!

Game 3 - Natus Vincere [2:1]

Picks and bans

  • Lil
  • LeBron
  • GeneRaL
  • Crystallize
  • Dendi
  • RodjER
  • RAMZES666
  • Solo
  • No[o]ne
  • 9pasha

The decider map started off with a standard 2-1-2 lane layout for both teams, but as night settled in, ua NAVI started playing more carefully due to the presence of Night Stalker. That hero caused quite a bit of trouble for us, as we fell 4 kills behind by the end of the first night. Yet right as it ended, ua NAVI managed to take a few kills back our way, reclaiming the net worth.

By 12 minutes, the situation on the map stabilized - both teams had 6 kills, and the advantage did not shift anywhere decisively. The towers and heroes were traded; 17 minutes in ru went for the top T1, but lost 3 heroes in the process, allowing ua NAVI to get an uncontested Roshan. The sequence of events continued, as ua Crystallize kept getting pickoffs.

By 20 minutes ua NAVI went for a decisive mid fight, resulting in a total team wipe. A few more pickoffs left very little hope. As the main cores of the opponent died, they had no means to defend further, and we take the series 2:1! GGWP.