
DreamLeague S8: to the lower bracket

Dota 2 / News / 1 December 2017 — 13:36

The series was taken by G2A, and Natus Vincere G2A are to battle through the lower bracket.

The first match of DreamLeague S8 had ua Natus Vincere G2A pitted against another CIS team - ru G2A. The series was taken by ru G2A, and ua Natus Vincere G2A are to battle through the lower bracket.

game 1 — [1:0] Natus Vincere

Picks and bans
Ban G2A
  • Lil
  • RAMZES666
  • Solo
  • No[o]ne
  • 9pasha

Natus Vincere G2A
  • SoNNeikO
  • RodjER
  • Crystallize
  • GeneRaL
  • Dendi

The first game of the series started off rather calm, with occasional rotations, but the first blood wasn’t spilled until almost 6 minutes into the game. From there on, skirmishes started happening quite often, but neither team managed to take any convincing advantage, as everything was quite even. 9 minutes in ua NaVi destroyed the first tower of the game in the bottom lane, and a small fight shortly after saw both teams trading heroes again. Both tried to get some crucial items on heroes, but neither wanted t allow the same to the other team, so ganks were quite frequent and often fruitful.

21 minutes in the first Roshan of the game was killed, with the Aegis going to Broodmother. That did not discourage ua NaVi from trying to get more pickoffs, and the game went on just like before. As the heroes of both teams were becoming stronger, there were somewhat less kills overall. After the Aegis was used, we went for the push towards enemy base, and ru decided to do the same. We lost the towers quicker than ru VP did, and ultimately our bottom barracks fell 28 minutes in.

A little later Roshan respawned, and ru VP went for it right away, killing it quite fast, with Aegis going to Outworld Devourer. As ru VP approached our base, we prepared to repel the push, but did not manage to do it, and the first game went to ru, as we move to the second game!

game 2 — [1:1] Natus Vincere

Пики и баны
Ban G2A
  • Lil
  • 9pasha
  • Solo
  • No[o]ne
  • RAMZES666

Natus Vincere G2A
  • SoNNeikO
  • GeneRaL
  • Dendi
  • RodjER
  • Crystallize

The second game of the series started off rather rough for ua NaVi, as a lot of rotations were coming from the side of ru VP, and we could not quite retaliate right away. On the positive side, ua Crystallize was left unattended, and could farm to his heart’s content. The action on the map continued, though, and as our key levels started coming in, we were better able to respond to that, and get some kills of our own. Everybody chipped in, and slowly but surely we got the upper hand.

The kills continued all over the map, and some towers were taken as well, since ua NaVi had all the means to take the buildings down fast - 21 minutes in ru lost their T3 bot tower. 29 minutes in we got the Aegis of the Immortal on ru RodjER, and it was used up in a little. All the while, the bottom barracks of ru VP were crumbling, and soon it was no more.

40 minutes in we got another Aegis, but the subsequent fight saw us lose 3 and the newly-acquired Aegis. Both teams disengaged, and from then on, only occasional kills would happen, but nothing too major. ru SoNNeikO repeatedly one-man sieged ru VP’s base, and it was fruitful after a while -ru  VP lost 2 of their T3 towers, and no barracks on the bottom lane. The action the subsided, but a great bait from ua GeneRaL allowed ua NaVi to kill off a highly valuable Medusa and get the Divine Rapier for Morphling.

60 minutes in ua NaVi killed the third Roshan of the game, and Aegis went to Morphling, while Refresher Shard ended up in Shadow Shaman’s hands. He put it to good use soon enough with double Mass Serpent Wards on the top lane, with both barracks getting very low. A fight then started, with some casualties, but not much follow-up; meanwhile Morphling destroyed top barracks - the only thing separating us from Mega Creeps was the barrack in the middle lane, which fell very soon, in exchange for our Morphling.

With Morphling on the sidelines, ru VP went for a push to try and force the buyback out, but we stalled them long enough for it to be not needed. Despite losing the midlane, we were still quite strong, with the advantage on our side. A little later we went for another Roshan, and the Refresher Shard went to Shadow Shaman again. As we approached ru VP’s base, Shadow Shaman snuck up from the top and dropped triple Mass Serpent Wards - the Ancient got decimated in no time as we closed out the game 1-1.

Game 3 — [2:1] Natus Vincere

Picks and bans
Ban G2A
  • Solo
  • 9pasha
  • Lil
  • RAMZES666
  • No[o]ne

Natus Vincere G2A
  • RodjER
  • SoNNeikO
  • GeneRaL
  • Dendi
  • Crystallize

The final game of the Bo3 had some action right away, as ua Dendi almost got killed near the bottom rune, but a good coordination from ua NaVi allowed to turn the gank around, and enemy Slardar was killed instead - a nice start. As the game went on, though, it seemed ru VP were better able to find the kills both during day and night time, making for a rough Night Stalker game.

Despite that start, we were able to make something positive happen for us, as 16 minutes in ua Crystallize got a triple kill to his name, and that allowed his to gain a sizeable chunk of gold his way. 19 minutes in we got the first Roshan of the game, committing three ults for that. We disengaged for the time, waiting for the skills to come off cooldown. ua Crystallize managed to get some kills for himself, but as ua NaVi overextended a bit, ru VP turned the fight around, killing 3 members of ua NaVi. A couple of successful ganks from ru VP enabled them to go for the second Roshan, with Aegis for Luna.

30 minutes in we were 14k net worth down, and a couple of pickoffs on the side of ru VP enabled them to go for the base push. The fight started off on the wrong foot for us, as ua Crystallize was killed right away, and he had no buyback. More kills for ru VP followed, and we were unable to defend the towers. GG, and ua NaVi drop the series 1-2, dropping into the lower bracket.