
A new promo from HyperX will increase your heart rate!

News / 26 June 2018 — 12:52

The new HyperX Pulsefire Surge gaming mouse plays the first role in this contest

Have you ever noticed that each professional eSports player has his own playstyle? Some like to play
aggressive, rush the opponents’ base, while his heart is flattering like mad. Some prefer to stay low to
the ground, make no noise and wait for the rivals coming into his trap. What if their heart rate and inner
condition define the way these players act in the game?

That’s why in our promotion for a new HyperX product we’ve decided to find out what heart rate our
fans have. Notably, that this product is the new gaming mouse — HyperX Pulsefire Surge with incredible
RGB lights pulsation in 360. Thus, all Natus Vincere fans now have a chance to with the
help of a computer mouse and get some special gaming and Pulsefire Surge settings tips for mastering
their playstyle.

Moreover, you can the new HyperX Pulsefire Surge mouse (just like Alloy Elite RGB keyboard) if you
share your result to social media. In addition, all users who pass the test participate in the HyperX Fury S
mouse pads raffle.

The promo duration is from 26.06.2018 till 11.07.2018. The winners in each raffle will be announced
after 25.07.2018.