GLL Season 2: NAVI.GG.BET to LAN finals!
Moving to the finals!
The mightiest CIS teams entered the competition over the Global Loot League Season 2 spot back in May, and today is the day when we finally get the winners. After an excellent online showing, NAVI.GG.BET become one of the three finalists of the CIS region.
The teams fought in Alpha (16 participants) and Bravo (32 participants) divisions throughout six weeks of play, with a total of 24 matches played. After every four matches, the standings were updated: six bottom teams of Alpha dropped to Bravo and the newly vacant spots were filled by the leaders of the lower division.
Born to Win firmly held the position at the top of the Alpha division, getting closer to their goal with each step. Now that it is attained, NAVI,
M19 will be gearing up for the Global Loot League Season 2 LAN, set for August 10.
Congratulations Na'Vi, Griffins and M19! See you at the LAN!
— Simon Sundén (@joinsimon)
Super close finish with only 94 points between 1st and 4th position
More information on the main event is yet to be revealed, but we do know that the participants list will include 3 CIS lineups, 7 EU representatives and 6 NA teams. Also, we have guaranteed ourselves a place in the Alpha-Division of the GLL third season.
Here's a reminder: Global Loot League Season 1 was the debut event - and the first triumph - for the NAVI new lineup. This time, the boys will be looking to repeat their success and defend their title, let's wish them good luck! #gonavi