
DreamHack Winter 2017: the ultimate battle

CS2 / News / 3 December 2017 — 14:12

It is time for the final showdown. Stakes are high.

DreamHack Winter 2017 is coming to a close, and uaNatus Vincere G2A have fought all the way to the Grand Finals. Our last opponent will be demousesports, and we are to fight them in a Bo3 format at 19 CET.

uaNatus Vincere G2A have come a fairly long way. Finishing the second in the group after the defeat from kzGambit in the 5th overtime, we were to fight dkHeroic once again in a Bo3, and advanced to the semifinals. Semifinals had us fight against frEnVyUs in another Bo3, and it was as close as it gets, with multiple round trades and long streaks. And we are here, in the final stage of the tournament. The stakes are as high as ever, but we are up for the challenge.

demousesports, similarly to us, have also advanced to the semifinals from the second place in their group, losing to frEnVyUs, but winning deBIG. Their last match against kzGambit advanced them to the Grand Finals of the competition.

We are 1 step away from the first LAN victory in a while, and we need all the support we can get. Tune in at 17:35 CET and cheer for us! #gonavi

17:35 CET

best of 3

Natus Vincere G2A
  • s1mple
  • electronic
  • Zeus
  • Edward
  • flamie

  • oskar
  • chrisJ
  • ropz
  • sunNy