NAVI.GG.BET to participate in charity tournament
Get ready for a show tournament with the world's best players!
Aside from separate stages for two game modes, PUBG Global Invitational 2018 will feature a special charity tournament with the $ 1,000,000 prize pool. NAVI.GG.BET's Ivan "ubah" Kapustin and Vadim "POKAMOLODOY" Ulshin will be joining the fight, which is set to kick off later today, at 16:30 CEST.
Each team participating in the show tournament will be reinforced by a duo of famous streamers and esports bloggers. We'll see Dmitry "Makata0" Pustovarov and Alexey "TaGs" Dyachenko joining our boys today. Besides, the viewers will see such celebrities as Shroud, DrDisRespect, Ninja and others in action.
A total of 12 teams will battle it out over the course of four matches. The top 3 teams will get a share of the prize money as well as the chance to decide where to donate it.
Prize pool distribution:
1 place — $ 600 000 — Papa — EscA, SimSn, EVERMORE, Juan
2 place — $ 300 000 — Alpha — GuCun, GODV, Kenny, mifengaaa
3 place — $ 100 000 — Fox — Voxsic, TEXQS, Ben, Rowan
12 place — Lima — ubah, POKAMOLODOY, Makata0, TaGs