Immortal Treasure 3 is out!
Dota 2 /
News / 1 August 2018 — 15:36
The long-awaited Treasure 3!
Finally, the last promised chest has arrived. The Immortal Treasure 3 went live tonight, available only to the Battle Pass owners. The treasure, as usual, contains 6 regular immortal items, with the rare reward being 50 Levels Bundle, very rare - golden weapon for Queen of Pain, and the ultra rare - Witch Doctor bundle. The Cosmically rare is the same for all treasures, featuring The Emblem of the Crystal Echelon - the relic, displayed in-game under your hero.
The Treasure is available at level 1, 164, 178, 194, 206 and 240; from there onwards, it is granted every 30 levels. Take a look at its contents below!
Shadow Shaman offhand weapon
Naga Siren tail
Zeus Arm
Dark Willow headpiece
Queen of Pain weapon
Batrider mount
Very Rare Queen of Pain weapon
Ultra Rare Witch Doctor bundle