Player profile: Blizzy
Blizzy - the new player of NAVI.GG.BET!
The new offlaner of NAVI.GG.BET for the coming season of Dota Pro Circuit is going to be
Evgenii "Blizzy" Ri. Let's take a look at how the player's career began, as well as what heroes he prefers on the professional stage.
Despite the fact Evgenii was playing Dota 2 since 2013, the player was recognized for the first time only by the end of 2015 as part of the team NoLifer5. This team did not achieve impressive results, but it became a fairly strong player on the professional stage of the CIS, capable of making the strongest rivals quite nervous.
As MVP Revolution player
The next step on the career ladder of Blizzy became
NoLifer5.Reborn, and Evgenii made it to WESG 2016 regional finals. At this championship, the team took second place, which helped it get a completely unexpected proposal from the Korean organization
The five began to play under the tag MVP Revolution, but it did not achieve any special success either: their best result was the 5th-8th place at Almeo Esports Cup. After exactly a year (with a short period of playing as a standin for
Blizzy received an invitation from
Vega Squadron.

«I used to play as a position 4, but after some problems in MVP Revolution I swapped to the offlane. I haven't changed my role ever since».
It should be noted that it was at the end of 2017 that Evgenii finally changed his role on the battlefield: before, he played as a position 4 support.
In general, the second half of the season for the "sharks" wasn't the easiest one: the team was still under construction, which caused him some problems. The best result of the team was the third-fourth placement at StarLadder ImbaTV Invitational Season 5, where they claimed $ 30,000.
As for preferences in terms of heroes on the professional stage, the situation here is rather curious: the three favorite heroes of Blizzy are two full-fledged supports, as well as another versatile hero, which can be used in several roles. We're talking about Disruptor, Nature's Prophet and Earth Spirit: he played 20 matches on each. The first two have a respectable win rate - 70%, while Earth Spirit hits slightly less - 65%. Below is more detailed info about the heroes picked by the player.
Unfortunately, the full stats from pubs can't be seen: the public history of matches is hidden from prying eyes. Nevertheless, looking at Blizzy's position on solo MMR leaderboards, you can understand how well he plays. So, as of today, he is on the 17-th place, while his teammates are slightly ahead:
Akbar "SoNNeikO" Butaev (16th place) and
Vladyslav "Crystallize" Krystanek on the 9th place. Excellent results!
Overall, we can say that Blizzy is an experienced player with outstanding individual skill. In addition, Evgenii knows quite well how to play a position 4, which can greatly help during the game. The renewed
Natus Vincere roster will spring into action today, on the 10th of September, as the team is going to dive right into for The Kuala Lumpur Major! #NAVINATION
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