
The Kuala Lumpur Major CIS Closed Qualifiers: loss vs

Dota 2 / News / 16 September 2018 — 12:11

A tough loss

The second series of ua NAVI.GG.BET at The Kuala Lumpur Major was against ru The Bo3 encounter ended with 0:2 the way of the Russian team.

Game 1 - Natus Vincere [0:1]

Picks and bans

  • Crystallize
  • MagicaL
  • Blizzy
  • Chuvash
  • SoNNeikO
  • fn
  • No[o]ne-
  • RAMZES666
  • RodjER
  • Solo

The first game started with 3 Bounty runes for ru The lanes were rather equal, without much kill attempt from either side; ua Crystallize was the first to fall on the top lane. The Radiant had better early offensive potential, but ua NAVI had a few tools of their own - Spectre managed to get a couple of kills in the top lane, getting a huge gold and experience boost, jumping to the top of the net worth chart. A gank on Phantom Lancer was successful, with the first Haunt coming in - PL chose to buy right back.

10 minutes in, the teams were pretty much dead even. ru VP tried to go on an offensive a couple of times, but didn't manage to get the initiation. The first T1 of the game was taken by the opponent in the midlane. Both Templar Assassin and Spectre were trying to get their items, so the game stalled a bit; ua NAVI were slowly falling behind in terms of the overall net worth, but we had to wait for the Radiance to come online. Our timings were quite delayed due to a few deaths, but the game was still manageable.

A fight broke out in the bottom lane - teams traded kills. Top 3 net worth heroes were the ru heroes. A couple of minutes later, another fight broke out, as we tried to kill Bane, but his teammates were close by - our core heroes died, and the T3 in mid dropped. A little later, ru tried to go for the first Roshan of the game, but ua NAVI engaged 4v5 - ua MagicaL was left unchecked and destroyed a few of the opposing heroes. Even the multiple buybacks didn't salvage the situation - Templar Assassin claimed the Aegis.

We felt we could go on the offensive, taking towers and killing heroes. However, after killing Magnus in the top lane, ua NAVI tried to take down the T2 mid, but ua MagicaL overextended - 4 heroes dead. We had to fall back and wait out a bit. Then we decided to go for the Roshan - ru attempted to repel us, but this turned into a drawn-out fight. Spectre was getting very strong; all the while, ru SoNNeikO was pushing the lanes, and as the fights were going, bottom T3 was lost.

With the Aegis in hand, ua NAVI went for the high ground push. A series of fights had both teams use their buybacks, but most heroes were very cautious, realizing that one mistake would cost the game. The huge fight saw Spectre dead without buyback - ru went straight for the jugular. We lose the first map.

Game 2 - Natus Vincere [0:2]

Picks and bans

  • Crystallize
  • MagicaL
  • Blizzy
  • Chuvash
  • SoNNeikO
  • fn
  • No[o]ne-
  • RAMZES666
  • RodjER
  • Solo

The second game started well for us - First Blood was spilled on top lane. A little later ua MagicaL ganked the bottom lane, scoring a double kill. Overall, the laning stage was quite good - as the heroes got a few levels, the rotations started. Around 10-12 minutes in, ua NAVI engaged in the bottom lane, and the fight extended for quite a while. ru VP got the better trade, but ua NAVI delayed the opponents' items quite well.

Opposing Io and Gyrocopter were quite active around the map, while we tried to get some farm - Pugna fell behind, and Spectre needed quite a few items. By 20 minutes, we were 3k gold behind, and ru VP went for the first Aegis of the game. ua NAVI tried to split push and get some ganks on single targets, but the opponents were able to get the pickoffs.

A couple of BKBs on ru VP made the game significantly harder. The fight in the middle lane saw a few heroes on our side dead, and we lost the mid T3 tower and the barracks. ua NAVI tried to go for the Roshan play, but ru VP intercepted. Kunkka was caught out in the top lane, but we lost top T3 for it. In a little bit, ru VP engaged in the bottom lane - instant initiation onto ua MagicaL with Abyssal Blade sealed the deal - ua NAVI.GG.BET lose the series 0:2.