
The Kuala Lumpur Major CIS Closed Qualifiers: leaving the battle

Dota 2 / News / 17 September 2018 — 09:58

The end of the run

The elimination game at The Kuala Lumpur Major CIS Closed Qualifiers saw ua NAVI.GG.BET play against ru ferzee. The Bo3 ended with 1:2 the way of ru ferzee, as we leave the qualifiers.

Game 1 - Natus Vincere [1:0] ferzee

Picks and bans

  • Crystallize
  • MagicaL
  • Blizzy
  • Chuvash
  • SoNNeikO

  • Daxak
  • Afoninje
  • AfterLife
  • KingR

The teams split the runes evenly. Bottom lane saw quite a lot of action, and the early lockdown coming in from Dark Willow and Tiny saw us claim the First Blood. Zeus made a rotation towards the bottom lane, killing off Gyrocopter. By 10 minutes, ua NAVI had 6 kills more, but pretty close in terms of net worth. By 15 minutes the situation changed a bit: we've claimed the map control over the bottom part of the map.

Around 20 minutes ru ferzee decided to go for the first Roshan of the game, but ua NAVI were close by and ready to intercept - 2 Radiant heroes dead. The small skirmishes continued for quite a while. 25 minutes in ru ferzee decided they wanted to have a big teamfight: it turned out to be disastrous, with heroes dead for the opponent. We capitalized on that, taking a T2 in top lane and Ursa in the process. With one of the main DPS out of the picture, nothing stopped us from taking the first T3 27 minutes in, and the game was ours.

Game 2 - Natus Vincere [1:1] Ferzee

Picks and bans

  • Crystallize
  • MagicaL
  • Blizzy
  • Chuvash
  • SoNNeikO

  • Daxak
  • Afoninje
  • AfterLife
  • KingR

The second game started off quite aggressively, as both Clinkz and Templar Assassin were trading a lot of hits - neither really able to farm. A gank from both sides resulted in both mid heroes dying.  5-minute runes were mostly taken by ua NAVI, with 1 going the way of Dire. Both teams were very eager to fight, so by 10 minutes, neither team had the decisive advantage. Another 5 minutes passed, and the game was just as uneventful, with no fights happening save for small skirmishes.

16 minutes in a fight broke out in the bottom lane, with 3 heroes dead on both sides in the end. As ua MagicaL got the Desolator, ua NAVI decided to got for the first Roshan of the game. The Aegis was popped in the fight right away, but we killed almost all Dire heroes, so that was the good use. The fights continued - another fight happened in the bottom lane - ua NAVI burst Phantom Lancer right at the start, so the fight was decent for us. However, when we attempted to smoke gank Enigma in the top lane, the rest of ru ferzee turned up, and the fight ended quite bad for us.

The snowball on the side of ru ferzee continued, as the Roshan fight ended badly for us - 4 heroes dead yet again, and Roshan for the opponent. From this point onwards, the advantage was fully taken by the Dire. The mid-T3 tower fell quite soon, and the barracks followed. Another fight resulted in the bottom lane demolished completely. Ultimately, we had nothing to defend our Ancient - the decider map would seal the series.

Game 3 - Natus Vincere [1:2] ferzee

Picks and bans

  • Crystallize
  • MagicaL
  • Blizzy
  • Chuvash
  • SoNNeikO

  • Daxak
  • Afoninje
  • AfterLife
  • KingR

From the beginning, ru ferzee managed to take 3 runes, so Alchemist didn't have a very good start. Even if the teams were equal kills-wise, midlane was still going very bad. before 10 minute mid T1 was lost. 10 minutes in ua NAVI have fallen behind quite significantly, with 3k gold behind. It was still too early for ua NAVI to come online, as no core had necessary items and levels. Fortunately, Alchemist was still getting the money, with 3 10-minute Bounty runes secured by us.

By the time Alchemist got the Radiance, ru ferzee claimed the first Roshan, and went for the pushes. A fight in the top lane saw the teams trade kills - Alchemist got a couple of kills, but still died in the end. There still was a long road ahead of us - ua NAVI got locked in the base. Fortunately, no T3 tower went down just yet, so we had some freedom to move around the map. The repeated assaults on the base, and deaths of core heroes stalled their item progression quite badly.

23 minutes in ua NAVI managed to take down the first T1 - unfortunately, it was denied by Shadow Fiend. The game stopped progressing for us again, as ru ferzee were standing outside of our base for quite a while, but didn't take the first T3 before 30 minutes. The Shrines got demolished pretty fast due to Familiars. The final teamfight, with the initiation onto Shadow Fiend, didn't work out for us - we lose the match 1:2.