Changes to Natus Vincere PUBG roster
Drainys parts ways with Natus Vincere
After a series of disappointing results and due to the new rules which were recently introduced by PUBG Corp., Natus Vincere, together with the players of our PUBG team, decided on making changes to the roster.
Only the captain of the squad, Vadim "POKAMOLODOY" Ulshin, will retain his position.
Sviatoslav "Drainys" Komissarov parts ways with the team to join the ranks of
Ivan "ubah" Kapustin and
Dmitrii "Shade1" Roshchin will move to reserve and play for
NAVI in some events, but their position in the final roster is still unsettled.
The next two months will see the club focusing on the formation of a competent lineup around Vadim "POKAMOLODOY" Ulshin, who'll be responsible for the selection of new players. We will attend OGA PIT Invitational, GLL Season 3, and other tournaments with stand-ins.

"Until the end of 2018, we want to have a strong team on hand that will be able to compete on par with the best teams in Europe, Asia and the US. We have trust in our captain Vadim "POKAMOLODOY" Ulshin, as he has formed a talented CIS GRUBIE roster in the past, and we think he'll handle this task well again.
Regarding the changes which we have already made, I'd like to emphasize that these decisions were made according to the agreements we have in the team and coordinated with the players.
Each player is aware of his responsibility for the result and is doing his best to improve the situation. Unfortunately, we had to bid farewell to Drainys. We are thankful to Sviatoslav for the time that he spent playing for the organization and his contribution to our victories. We wish him good luck in Unique!
PUBG Corp. will launch a professional league next year and have recently announced that starting January 2019, only players over 18 will be allowed to compete, which is why we have to part ways with Shade1. We still believe in Dima's great potential, but we can't influence this decision. Shade1 will keep playing for NAVI until the end of this year.
Soon, we will move on to testing new candidates. We understand that team formation is a complex procedure and won't expect any competitive results till the end of this year. We hope our fans will understand this. We believe forming a strong team where each player feels comfortable is ultimately far more important than instant success. Because of this, ubah will skip several upcoming games and give way to new applicants.
This is a difficult period for us, so our PUBG squad will appreciate your understanding and support. We are working to make our fans proud again! I would also like to thank our players for what they do in this hard time. I'm confident that our team will soon enter the battlefield again, ready to compete for top places in the world championships."
NAVI.PUBG lineup for Wednesday matches (September 19):
Vadim "POKAMOLODOY" Ulshin
Dmitrii "Shade1" Roshchin
Artem "Sadovnik" Danilyk
Aleksandr "BatulinS" Batulin