
Autumn Brawl: victory vs Elements Pro Gaming

Dota 2 / News / 5 October 2018 — 21:00

Another victory secured

The series for the exit to the playoffs starred ua NAVI.GG.BET and eu Elements Pro Gaming. The game ended before 27 minutes with a confident victory for The Born to Win!

Natus Vincere [1:0] Elements Pro Gaming

Picks and bans

  • .Ark
  • Crystallize
  • Blizzy
  • Chuvash
  • SoNNeikO

Elements Pro Gaming
  • Swiftending
  • BoraNija
  • Mitch
  • dnz
  • LeBron

The game started quite well for us - Alchemist gained a nice hold in the middle lane, getting the levels; same could be said about other lanes. The teams kept poking and prodding, until enemy Bane overextended and gave Clinkz First Blood. ua NAVI were getting pickoffs around the map. As the cores of both teams got more levels, both teams went for the offensive. Nobody was ganking ru Ark much, and he bought his Radiance very timely. A fight in the bottom lane enriched him even more, as he gained a lot of money.

Alchemist was far ahead, and Clinkz was very close to enemy mid. This allowed us to establish solid map control, and the kills on enemy heroes made us very strong - especially Alchemist and Clinkz. Both teams had good ways to push towers, using it to the max. However, most of our net worth lead (9k) was concentrated in ru Ark.

A smoke gank on Io and Gyrocopter resulted in T3 in the midlane down. From there onwards, it was just a matter of time. We got our important BKBs, regrouped and sieged the high ground again. eu EPG were trying to defend their top lane, but it was in vain, as ua NAVI managed to overpower the opponent, taking the top lane and the series 1:0, making it to the playoffs!