
Cyberinsta #8: backstage of a new show

News / 29 November 2018 — 22:00

The newest issue of Cyberinsta brings fresh photos and emotions!

News websites tell about achievements of teams, Twitter is the place to discuss the hottest topics, and Instagram is one of the best places for fans to take a look at players' lives outside of the esports. In the latest issue of Cyberinsta - the bootcamps of our Dota 2 and CS: GO teams, travels and pre-holiday mood!

This fall, the CS:GO team had a very tight schedule: LAN-finals of tournaments followed one after the other and gave way to important matches in the online stages. A new challenge is ahead, as LAN is coming, and preparation for it is in full swing!

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This time the bootcamp of our guys takes place in a new location: at the hotel called . Ideal conditions: comfortable rooms, a fully equipped training room, excellent cuisine and service in general. Overall, the guys have nothing to worry about - they are completely focused on the game.

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Dota 2 players traditionally settled in the team house, playing and qualifiers. The team won a ticket to the Moscow championship and soon will test their strength in the qualifying stage of The Bucharest Minor.

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Meanwhile, ua Natus Vincere media team is not idling as well: operators and reporters manage to cover two bootcamps, record interviews and... prepare a cool surprise for fans! Very soon you will see the result of the work done, but for now we are ready to show several shots of the filming process.

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At the same time, Alexei Kostylev is getting ready to stream, and finishes his beast of a PC. Judging by this view, our creative director is determined!

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ua Danyl “Zeus” Teslenko showed the fans a special new thing: a tattoo, which depicts a very significant event for ua Natus Vincere captain. Looks impressive!

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ua  Aleksandr “s1mple” Kostylev temporarily changed theua NAVI uniform to a Ninja Sushi brand T-shirt - his first non-esport project. Congratulations to Sasha!

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The gem of our Instagram review is an express journey to one of the most beautiful European capitals — Vienna — with ua Natus Vincere operator ua Stas“TwistedRox” Yuzva. Tune in and enjoy.

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Cyber-football player of the Born to Win ua Yevhen "Yozhyk" Mostovyk is already charging fans with a festive mood. It's the season to be jolly!

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