
MegaFon Winter Clash: the finals await!

Dota 2 / News / 8 December 2018 — 22:00

Natus Vincere takes a 2:0 victory versus LGD

ua NAVI.GG.BET fought with cn PSG.LGD in a Bo3 in the lower bracket finals at MegaFon Winter Clash. The intense series had back-and-forth games, but in the end, ua NAVI make it into the grand finals!

Game 1 - Natus Vincere [1:0] PSG.LGD

Picks and bans

  • Crystallize
  • MagicaL
  • Blizzy
  • Chuvash
  • SoNNeikO

  • Ame
  • Somnus丶M
  • Chalice
  • fy
  • xNova

The first game was off to a rather active start. Both teams were seeking to create as much space for the cores as possible, so kills were traded everywhere. Our cores were doing reasonably well, so the supports were mostly able to harass the opponents. ua NAVI amped up the pressure around 10 minutes, and 14 minutes in we scored a teamwipe, with a triple kill for ua Crystallize. That boosted him quite a lot, and he retreated towards the jungle and farmed up more while the rest of ua NAVI pushed.

Those engagements somewhat drained the teams, as the cores retreated back to farm. A little later, ua NAVI decided to go for the first Roshan of the game, and the contest from cn LGD wasn't enough - Aegis for ua MagicaL. We took the top T2 and tried for T3, but fell back just to be safe; unfortunately, the Black King Bar on enemy Death Prophet was a rather unpleasant surprise, as we lost 3 heroes and the Aegis. cn LGD were constantly looking for fights, and they kept finding them - ua NAVI lost 2 heroes yet again,

ua NAVI found 2 supports in the top lane, and pushed straight for the base. Meanwhile enemy Anti-Mage was pushing our midlane; however, as we slain most of cn LGD, he had to return and try to defend, but to no avail - both teams lost T2 towers, but cn LGD also lost 4 heroes. ua SoNNeikO was doing a stellar job protecting the cores. Soon, we went for the wrap around cn LGD; however, the opponent was able to respond with a good initiation - a very bad fight for us gave cn LGD the opportunity to take the second Roshan. With that, cn LGD tried to push through our bottom lane, but the split push from Crystallize forced them back.

cn LGD went for another Roshan after their Death Prophet came back, and ua NAVI had a very good fight - no buyback on Death Prophet; we pushed straight towards the base, taking the mid and top rax. cn LGD were crumbling down, as they lost 3 heroes and the final lane or rax - Mega Creeps sealed the deal, as ua NAVI take the game 1.

Game 2 - Natus Vincere [2:0] PSG.LGD

Picks and bans

  • Crystallize
  • MagicaL
  • Blizzy
  • Chuvash
  • SoNNeikO

  • Ame
  • Somnus丶M
  • Chalice
  • fy
  • xNova

The First Blood was spilled very early, as cn Ame died in the top lane. ua NAVI continued to pressure the top lane very hard, killing both heroes. Midlane was quite even, as for now, neither Tinker nor OD posed a significant threat to one another. ua Crystallize had a decent farm in the bottom lane. Both teams made moves very soon - OD went for the top lane kills, and Tinker ganked bot a little after. The action began from that point onwards - ua NAVI had most of the team online with appropriate levels.

ua NAVI had a good fight in the top lane - it seemed as if Bane overextended, but a very swift response from ua NAVI denied cn LGD the chance to get out alive, with 4 dead. We went for the first Roshan of the game, and cn LGD tried to contest it, but ua Crystallize claimed an ultra kill for himself. 16 minutes in, ua NAVI had the Aegis and 9k lead. We continued to storm down the lanes, as cn LGD lost their final T2, and T3 in the top lane followed the suit. ua NAVI shifted towards the midlane, and then bottom. cn LGD had nothing to defend, as we take the game 2 and the series.