Natus Vincere launches a Fortnite team!
Bowman and AlphaAmons join NAVI
The esports club Natus Vincere announces the creation of Fortnite team.
Viggo «Bowman» Hahnsson and
Daniel «AlphaAmons» Johansson — talented players who used to play for
Wildcard Gaming, will be joining us.
Bowman and
AlphaAmons have already shown themselves on the Fortnite competitive scene: the guys took the third place at DreamHack Summer 2018, and made it into the top ranks of Fall Skirmish Series — $ 250 000 monthly championship by Epic Games — several times.
NAVI.Fortnite will enter the battle very soon: the guys will take part in several online events. Make sure to read the announcements on our website, and don’t forget to subscribe to the channel!

«For a long time, we've been examining the game and watching the development of the competitive Fortnite scene. When we decided to create the roster, we chose Bowman and AlphaAmons: these guys are coming into esports from the world of traditional sports. They strive to be the best, and ready to give it all to reach the goal. Welcome to NAVI. GL & HF.
Expect new announcements to come!».

«I am super happy to have gotten the chance to represent one of the most established organizations in the esports. I have gone from watching tournaments with all my idols to being their teammate; this journey has truly been amazing, and this is just the start!».

«Unbelievably happy to be given the opportunity to work and represent NAVI together with my best friend Bowman. Honored to be picked up by such a legendary organisation. This is where it starts #BornToWin».