
DreamLeague Season 11 Closed Qualifiers: victory vs Pango

Dota 2 / News / 2 February 2019 — 20:34

A very tough series, and a deserved victory

ua NAVI.GG.BET fought with zz Pango in a B3 at DreamLeague Season 11 Closed qualifiers. The games were very intense, but in the end, ua NAVI prevailed, taking the series 2:1!

Game 1 - Natus Vincere [1:0] Pngo

Picks and bans

  • Crystallize
  • MagicaL
  • Blizzy
  • Chuvash
  • SoNNeikO

The Pango
  • Naive-
  • Ceyler
  • Ghostik
  • Zayac
  • CemaTheSlayer

The first game of the series started off decently well for ua NAVI — the lanes were rather equal, no team had a convincing advantage over the other. ua Crystallize had a good farm, and that was a very good sign for the later game. zz Pango and ua NAVI traded some kills, but it didn't really shift the equilibrium. The fights that were erupting were uncertain, some went our way, others were taken by zz Pango. Still, the teams remained dead even for a while. Only after the first Aegis and a good fight did zz Pango manage to snatch the advantage.

39 minutes in, though, ua NAVI had a very good fight, trading 1 hero for 4 from the opposing team, forcing out the buyback. The advantage vanished. A few minutes later another fight broke out, with a similar outcome — 3 dead Pango, and an Aegis for Morphling. We immediately went for the high ground, and successfully took it — the first game is ours!

Game 2 - Natus Vincere [1:1] Pngo

Picks and bans

  • Crystallize
  • MagicaL
  • Blizzy
  • Chuvash
  • SoNNeikO

The Pango
  • Naive-
  • Ceyler
  • Ghostik
  • Zayac
  • CemaTheSlayer

This game has been rehosted due to server lag.

The second game was off to a rather even start. The First Blood was spilled early, before 1-minute mark. The teams were playing very aggressively, trying to score kills and create space for the cores. zz Pango were better able to use their heroes to put the pressure — even though we had more kills, we were 2k gold behind the Dire. Sniper was doing decently well, staying on the level of the opponent, but other heroes of ua NAVI were quite behind. Frequent fights weren't helping the situation either, as zz Pango maintained a slight lead.

The fights were still going on, and ua NAVI had good ways to deal damage. Still, it wasn't always enough, as zz Pango kept finding pickoffs. A particularly good fight for zz Pango saw 3 heroes dead on our side, and that opened up Roshan. Another bad fight for ua NAVI spelled a disaster — 3 heroes lost again, and zz Pango knocked down our mid T3. By then their lead extended to 11k. Terrorblade was getting out of control, and we needed to find some answers for that.

The game slowed down a lot. Teams opted for the split push for some time, getting the crucial items. A fight broke out 34 minutes in, which opened zz Pango the road to the highground of ua NAVI once again. For the rest of the game, we weren't really able to do much, with the net worth difference taking its toll. We drop the second game, going to the decider.

Game 3 - Natus Vincere [] Pngo

Picks and bans

  • Crystallize
  • MagicaL
  • Blizzy
  • Chuvash
  • SoNNeikO

The Pango
  • Naive-
  • Ceyler
  • Ghostik
  • Zayac
  • CemaTheSlayer

The final game saw an Oracle-Sven-Luna trilane opposing enemy Axe, and this strategy worked out decently for ua NAVI, as we scored a few kills rather early on. Despite the kill advantage, ua NAVI weren't too far ahead of the opponent in terms of gold. By 10 minutes, we were 2k gold ahead, but the situation on the map was quite favorable for us — zz Pango were quite greedy, and spent a lot of time in the jungle, while our Luna was able to push the lanes unpunished. 11 minutes in the last Dire T1 tower fell.

13 minutes in a big fight unraveled in the Dire jungle — ua NAVI were able to easily overwhelm the opponent, as zz Pango didn't have much to fight with, so they lost 4 heroes. A couple of minutes later ua NAVI went for the first Roshan of the game, and claimed an uncontested Aegis for Luna. The Dire had only one T2 standing, but not for long. We headed straight for the high ground with no hesitation — the opponent tried to stop us, but their heroes were very ineffective. T3 and barracks fell in the midlane, and mid T3 followed.

ua NAVI regrouped and resumed the siege — with the Scythe of Vyse on ua MagicaL, the fights became a lot easier. First the mid barracks, and then the top lane — zz Pango GG-ed out, realizing they are unable to defend. ua NAVI take the tough series 2:1.