
Pro League S9: defeat against Team Empire

R6 / News / 23 March 2019 — 12:07

4 : 7 — defeat in the match against Team Empire

Despite the good game, our team failed to hold the winning result in the match against Team Empire. The game ended with a score of 4 : 7 in favor of ru Team Empire.

The map of the showdown was Consulate. Hibana, Glaz, Mira, and Valkyrie were banned. The de NAVI.GG.BET players started the battle on the defenders side.

Consulate — Natus Vincere [4 : 7] Team Empire

The action in the first round began at 1:46. That's when our guys lost one operative. However, the numerical advantage did not really help the enemy: the teams made several more frags, and the “yellow-blacks” managed to defend the bombs at the end — 1 : 0! The beginning of the second round was not so successful for our guys: in 30 seconds they lost three operatives at once. Already at 1:24, Team Empire began defusing and were successful in doing so.

The following two rounds were successful for de Natus Vincere: the guys carried out a positional defense and managed to hold back the attack of ru Team Empire. The result — 3 : 1 in favor of the “yellow-black”. This situation agitated the enemy team: and already in the next round after a slow play in midgame, all de NAVI operatives were easily taken down.

The round that followed turned out to be extremely tense. All actions in it again fell on the last ten seconds, during which 9 out of 10 operatives were killed! Nevertheless, our guys stayed on top — 4: 2.

Unfortunately, after this point, Team Empire took control of the meeting. The teams changed sides, and the "yellow-black" had to besiege the enemy. The first round was on an equal footing in terms of kills, but the opponent won for the simple reason: the time run out.

Team Statistics Summary

The following two rounds, ru Team Empire confidently listed under their belt, not allowing our guys to do anything. After that, the opponent led the match — 5-4. Two more rounds — two more points for the Team Empire. Alas, the attacking side for our team turned out to be not the best. With a score of 7 : 4, the ru Team Empire beat de Natus Vincere.