
KS will play at TwitchCon!

APEX / News / 13 April 2019 — 08:01

Rainbow Six Player will help out the Apex Legends Team

de Niklas "KS" Massierer will play at Apex Legends: TwitchCon Europe Showdown!

Niklas will take the place of by Petr "Desertuk" Myagkov, who could not get a visa to Germany on time. de KS will replace Pyotr in the team eu Catharsis, his teammates will be ua DmytroXronSakharuk and by Nikita “clawz” Marchinsky ua NAVI player for Apex Legends.

eu Catharsis trio will take part in the second qualification of the tournament, which is scheduled to start at 13:45. You can learn more about competitions in this .

Be sure to join the live broadcast of the championship and support ua NAVI for whom this tournament will be the first under the yellow-black banner in the Apex Legends discipline! #NAVINATION