
Crystallize - top 1 solo MMR!

Dota 2 / News / 13 January 2018 — 14:43

Another achievement for our player!

uaNatus Vincere GG.BET players are currently on the bootcamp, and they are using the time not only to improve their tactics and teamplay, but also to hone their individual mastery through pub games. This has proven to be extremely fruitful, as one of our players, who was in top-10 EU for a long time, has finally come to claim the first place on the leaderboard - uaVladislav "Crystallize" Krystanek is now on top of the leaderboard!

Our core player is currently holding the highest position in the table, having the best solo MMR in the region. On his way to the top, he surpassed many notable players, who were in the top back in the older MMR system. This is surely a notable achievement - congratulations to Vladislav!

Currently uaCrystallize is on a bootcamp with the team in Kiyv, where they are preparing for the upcoming Minor ESL One Genting 2018. We re sure that this success will inspire our carry player, letting him unleash his full potential on the tournaments to come! #gonavi

The EU leaderboard has Crystallize on the top

Crystallize is top 1 on the leaderboard!