
The International 2019 CIS Closed Qualifiers: Day 1

Dota 2 / News / 7 July 2019 — 09:42

The games start at 12 CEST

As the starting day of The International 2019 qualifiers, ua NAVI.GG.BET has to play 5 bo1 matches. The first one is scheduled for 12:00 CEST.

NAVI.GG.BET match schedule
Match Start time Match page
NAVI.GG.BET01ruGambit Esport OVER
NAVI.GG.BET01zzVega Squadron OVER
NAVI.GG.BET10zzNemiga Gaming OVER
NAVI.GG.BET10ruTeam Spirit OVER
NAVI.GG.BET10ruWinstrike Team OVER

The International 2019 Qualification (best of 1)
July 7, 12:00, 15:00, 16:00, 17:00, 19:30
  • Crystallize
  • MagicaL
  • Blizzy
  • Zayac
  • SoNNeikO

12:00 — ua Natus Vincere [0:1] ru Gambit Esports
The first rival of the "yellow-black" will be the team ru Gambit Esports. The fight will be incredibly difficult for ua NAVI, as the “gambits” were just a little short from getting a direct invite to The International 2019 . For this reason, the opponent has an additional incentive to win, but at the same time it must be remembered that all competitors are on an equal footing and everyone wants to get to Shanghai.

15:00 — ua NAVI vs zz Vega Squadron (bo1)
The second match is scheduled for 15:00. The rival will be one of the winners of the open qualification - zz Vega Squadron. The lineup of this organization went through changes several times over the season: from the European mix to the Russian and Belarus players. In some ways, the “sharks” are a dark horse, because the team has not shown any serious results lately, but in the open qualification, they have beaten several fairly strong teams.

16:00 — ua NAVI vs zz Nemiga Gaming (bo1)
At 16:00 there will be a meeting with another winner of the open qualifiers - zz Nemiga Gaming. This team confidently overcame the first qualifying stage, beating several serious rivals, and in the fight for the slot in the next stage, they beat  ua ALOHADANCE's team. A strong team, from which you can expect anything.

17:30 — ua NAVI vs ru Team Spirit (bo1)
At 17:30, “yellow-black” will enter the battlefield with ru Team Spirit, formerly called ru Old but Gold. Under the "dragons" tag, the team’s results have become somewhat worse, but they shouldn't be underestimated. A strong lineup against which to play will not be easy.

19:30 — ua NAVI vs ru Winstrike Team (bo1)
The final meeting will be with theru Winstrike Team. At 19:30, teams will face each other in a battle and try to complete the first game day on a major note for themselves. It is worth recalling that the last personal meeting ended with ua NAVI losing, so we believe that the guys have worked on errors and will achieve a positive result.

Join the broadcast by BTS and support ua NAVI in today's matches! #NAVINATION

Natus Vincere [0:1] Gambit esports

Picks and bans

  • Crystallize
  • MagicaL
  • Blizzy
  • Zayac
  • SoNNeikO

Gambit Esports
  • Daxak
  • Afoninje
  • AfterLife
  • Immersion
  • fng

Both teams had a fairly equal and quiet start. Even though we had a slight net worth advantage, both teams were approximately equal. 20 minutes in ua NAVI killed the first Roshan, claiming the Aegis for Death Prophet. Unfortunately, soon the Aegis was popped in a fight, with ru Gambit Esports killing 4 heroes of ours.

The Dire started gaining advantage, securing the map control after a couple of good fights. Soon, ua NAVI lost the bottom lane. ru Gambit were sitting on a decent gold advantage at that point.

33 minutes in enemy Shadow Shaman caught  ua NAVI entirely off-guard, taking down both T4 towers and half of the Ancient's HP. A big fight soon after saw ua NAVI lose quite a few heroes, and we had to admit defeat — 0 : 1.

Natus Vincere [0 : 1] Vega Squadron

Picks and bans

  • Crystallize
  • MagicaL
  • Blizzy
  • Zayac
  • SoNNeikO

Vega Squadron
  • xannii
  • gpk
  • LastHero
  • so bad
  • Fishman

The game started quite well for us, as we were able to find quite a few pickoffs during the laning stage. This secured ua NAVI a bit of an advantage, but not for long. Soon, ru Vega rehabilitated, and got quite a significant advantage.

As the game went on, ua NAVI weren't doing any better, losing heroes left, right and center. The map control was fully on the side of the opponent. By 36 minutes ru Vega were sitting on 19k gold advantage.

By 42 minutes ua NAVI lost quite a few buildings, and were pretty much confined to the base. On the contrary, ru Vega were free to roam the map, amassing even more gold — 29k gold over us.

47 minutes in, a bad fight put an end to this game. 0 : 1 — ua Natus Vincere loses the game.

Natus Vincere [1 : 0] Nemiga Gaming

Picks and bans

  • Crystallize
  • MagicaL
  • Blizzy
  • Zayac
  • SoNNeikO

Nemiga Gaming
  • Zitraks
  • mellojul
  • TheChosenOne
  • Astral
  • Fervian

ua NAVI decided to go for the Alchemist in this game; this dictated the pace of the early game heavily, as we tried to make sure he gets good start. This tactic yielded its fruits: we had 10k gold advantage by 24 minutes.

A string of fights saw by Nemiga Gaming heroes die one after another in a chain. Finally, our players went for the jugular, taking down the throne and claiming the first victory of the qualifiers.

Natus Vincere [1 : 0] Team Spirit

Picks and bans

  • Crystallize
  • MagicaL
  • Blizzy
  • Zayac
  • SoNNeikO

Team Spirit
  • Illidan
  • G
  • 633
  • velheor

The early game was relatively even, with neither team getting a significant advantage. Both tried to farm and gank. The first big event was Roshan falling 24 minutes in, with the Aegis going the way of enemy Timbersaw.

Even though there was no significant difference in terms of net worth between the teams, Timbersaw was incredibly tanky, and ru Team Spirit was abusing this to the fullest, repeatedly assaulting the high ground. However, one such attempt went very wrong for them: ua NAVI only lost Dark Seer, but took several heroes in return. As a result, 32 minutes in the battlefield was practically dead even.

10 minutes later our guys had a very good fight in the bottom lane, forcing out a few buybacks and retreating with minimal losses. This allowed us to go for the finishing blow, melting ru Team Spirit and scoring another win!

Natus Vincere [1 : 0] Winstrike Team

Picks and bans

  • Crystallize
  • MagicaL
  • Blizzy
  • Zayac
  • SoNNeikO

Winstrike Team
  • Silent
  • Cooman
  • nongrata
  • lil
  • Nofear

The starting portion of the map was even: both teams were trying their hardest to farm and get some pickoffs while doing so. Despite no significant gold advantage, ua NAVI were the ones to have a slight game advantage

27 minutes in a huge fight broke out: ru Winstrike Team lost quite a few heroes, some being right after their buybacks. The "yellow-blacks" used the momentum to the fullest, taking down the midlane and securing 9k gold lead.

34 minutes in the final fight unraveled in the enemy base — ua Natus Vincere claim the series 1 : 0!