
MagicaL and Mag — on patch 7.22e

Dota 2 / News / 18 July 2019 — 16:53

Magical и Mag — about the new changes

il Idan “MagicaL” Vardanian and ua Andrii “Mag” Chipenko shared their views on the Dota 2. Idan and Andrii discussed the nerfs and buffs of the heroes, and also predicted the popularity of some of them.

Drow Ranger

— Level 15 Talent changed from +550 Gust Distance/Knockback to +30% Gust Miss Chance.
— Level 15 Talent changed from +10 Agility to +14.

Previously, the Gust talent was not very popular on Drow Ranger. Do you think Blind (+ 30% to the miss chance due to Gust) will become more popular, or additional agility, which even got buffed, will be still a priority?
ilIdan "MagicaL" Vardanian
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I think agility will still be a priority, but in very rare situations you can take another talent. But the hero won't be picked anyway.

uaAndrii “Mag” Chipenko
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Agility for Drow Ranger will always be in priority. Especially since there is 4 more agility. But the changes are not so significant and the hero won't be actively picked as before.

Ogre Magi

— Intelligence gain increased from 2.3 to 2.5.
— Agility gain increased from 1.6 to 1.9.
— Level 20 Talent increased from +40 Bloodlust Attack Speed to +60.

Ogre Magi is in approximately the same state. Increase in intelligence and agility, will it help the hero to become more useful? Or even an improvement in the 20th talent, can it make it a meta pick?
ilIdan "MagicaL" Vardanian
NAVI.Dota 2 Player

Buffs are cool, but it is unlikely that the hero will picked constantly.

uaAndrii “Mag” Chipenko
NAVI.Dota 2 Coach
Ther are Ogre buffs in almost every patch. In these qualifiers, I definitely saw someone playing it. If I'm not mistaken, then se The Final Tribe in one of the games they took him on the third position. Ogre Magi has always been very strong on the lane, and perhaps now people will start picking him up a little more often.


— Grave Chill duration from 3/4/5/6 to 6
— Grave Chill movement speed change from 32% to 17/23/29/35%
— Grave Chill attack speed change from 64 to 34/46/58/70

Another unpopular hero is Visage. Thanks to the buffs, will it appear more often in games? Or will this hero remain as a special pick of individual teams?
ilIdan "MagicaL" Vardanian
NAVI.Dota 2 Player

It is difficult to say anything about Visage right now.

uaAndrii “Mag” Chipenko
NAVI.Dota 2 Coach
Visage is a specific hero, and not many players in the professional scene can and love to play with him. If we take the latest appearances of this hero, then more often we saw him in mid lane in certain push strategies.

Dark Seer

— Ion Shell damage reduced from 30/50/70/90 to 24/46/68/90

During the qualifications Dark Seer quite often was either picked or banned. Does reducing Ion Shell damage at the initial levels remove this hero from the meta, or will it just be a little harder for players to lane?
ilIdan "MagicaL" Vardanian
NAVI.Dota 2 Player

It is a pity, Dark Seer gets nerfed every patch. I think he will remain in the meta, but it will become more difficult at the first levels.

uaAndrii “Mag” Chipenko
NAVI.Dota 2 Coach

Dark Seer became weaker at the laning stage at the first levels, and globally nothing has changed. In fact, he is still as strong and, as for me, he is one of the strongest heroes on the third position in the current meta.

Ember Spirit

— Sleight of Fist can no longer be used while rooted

Sleight of Fist (second ability of the hero) can no longer be used during Root. What can you tell us about this? Is it possible that the hero won't be picked anymore?
ilIdan "MagicaL" Vardanian
NAVI.Dota 2 Player

The situation with Ember Spirit is the same as with Dark Seer! Nerf is significant, quite significant. But I think he will remain in the meta.

uaAndrii “Mag” Chipenko
NAVI.Dota 2 Coach
Ember Spirit suffered the most. I think we can safely say RIP


— Base damage reduced by 2.
Soulbind no longer reduces movement speed by 10%.

Grimstroke getting nerfed all over again, and usual players even compare it to the Earth Spirit. Will the character still be useful, despite all the changes?
ilIdan "MagicaL" Vardanian
NAVI.Dota 2 Player

They nerf it a little bit, but he can still enter the draft.

uaAndrii “Mag” Chipenko
NAVI.Dota 2 Coach
The main strength of the hero lies in the combination of his Ult with various spells. In fact, it will still be picked.


— Base armor reduced by 1.
Morph scepter no longer reduces cooldowns by 35%.
— Morph scepter now allows ally targeting.
Level 20 Talent changed from Morph Targets Allies to +15% Cooldown Reduction

Rate the usefulness of Aghanim's Scepter on Morphling. Did this change strengthen or weaken the hero?
ilIdan "MagicaL" Vardanian
NAVI.Dota 2 Player

Morph is also getting nerfs every patch. He has weaker Aghanims now.

uaAndrii “Mag” Chipenko
NAVI.Dota 2 Coach
I think, Morphs will pick up Aghanims more often now. How strong or not, we can find out in the near future. Need to watch more games to understand.

Wraith King

— Skeleton health reduced from 250 to 175.
Level 15 Talent reduced from +35 Skeletons Attack Damage to +30.

Wraith King was one of the popular ua NAVI's hero during qualifications. Now his skeletons are considerably nerfed. Does this mean that the hero will be less used? Or now you have to be more careful when summoning them?
ilIdan "MagicaL" Vardanian
NAVI.Dota 2 Player

Skeletons got an insane nerf. Now you can easily kill them with almost any skill. On the lane, the hero is still strong because of the stun, but, in general, this is not a strong nerf to a hero.

uaAndrii “Mag” Chipenko
NAVI.Dota 2 Coach
The health of skeletons been nerfed the second time now. Skeletons are very strong and do not forget that they have two lives. It's just that right now, a large number of heroes will be able to kill the skeletons with just one nuke. Yes, this is a fix, but the hero is still strong.
Which of the changes can you highlight? Is there such a hero, that got unnoticed in this patch and become much stronger?
ilIdan "MagicaL" Vardanian
NAVI.Dota 2 Player

In general, the melee suffered the most. Mostly offlaners, since the use of two stout shields was really an abuse of mechanics. For example, now you can not buy two stout shields against Broodmother.

uaAndrii “Mag” Chipenko
NAVI.Dota 2 Coach
In fact, the patch is minor. One of the main changes, as for me, is associated with the stout shield on the melee. Now two shields do not stack. It used to be very often on the heroes of the third position: you went behind the tower and practically did not lose health.