
Get to the Berlin Major finals with GG.BET!

CS2 / News / 25 July 2019 — 13:04

Take part in Major Like Battle and make it to Berlin Major 2019 finals!

is launching Major Like Battle contest among CS:GO fans. A winner will receive a unique opportunity to visit Grand Final of StarLadder Berlin Major 2019, go backstage and personally chat with his or her favorite Grand Final team. All you need to do is to show your support for NAVI

Shoot a video of you and your friends lining up into NAVI word, writing graffiti with the logo of ua Natus Vincere or rapping for NAVI — show your support with no restrictions! After that, post the video on Twitter or Instagram with #MajorLikeBattle hashtag, add @ggbetofficial and @NatusVincere mentions — and wait for the draw! Don't forget to subscribe to the GG.BET pages on and ! All videos — including yours — will be posted at . If you want to read official rules of the contest, go check them at

The contest is running till August 20th. GG.BET will pick the winner. The more likes your video gets, the higher your chances to win! Show the world what it means to be #navination!

P.S. Here's an example of a true ! We are sure you can do better!