
The International 2019 Group stage: defeat vs Vici Gaming

Dota 2 / News / 17 August 2019 — 20:49

The series ended 0:2.

The last rival of ua NAVI.GG.BET in the group stage will be another home turf representative — cn Vici Gaming. The format of the match — best of 2.

If group A has already teams that know their destiny then in group B the situation is not so clear at all. So, the fate of the eight teams is not clear: some may end up in the upper bracket, some in the bottom, and the team that will leave the competition after the group stage is also unknown.

“Yellow-blacks” have already secured themselves a spot in the playoffs, but the chances of getting into the upper bracket are far from certain. ua Natus Vincere players need at least a draw, or better yet a victory, but it will not be easy to do so.

The fact is that the rival of the "yellow-black" will be cn Vici Gaming — the Chinese team, which will do everything to achieve a positive result in the remaining matches. The Chinese team is currently in the second place and is one point ahead of our guys, but they are still at risk of falling into the lower bracket.

This team is very dangerous: they had a great season, winning two Major Championships. In cn Vici Gaming's lineup, we have real masters of their craft — cn Paparazi灬 and cn Ori.

In other words, the fight will be very difficult for ua NAVI. But we are sure that our guys will do everything possible to achieve a positive result.

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The International 2019 (best of 2)
August 18, 03:00
  • Crystallize
  • MagicaL
  • Blizzy
  • W_zayac
  • SoNNeikO

Vici Gaming
  • Paparazi 灬
  • Orys
  • Yang
  • Fade
  • Dy:

Game 1 - Natus Vincere [0: 1] Vici Gaming

Picks and bans

  • Crystallize
  • MagicaL
  • Blizzy
  • W_zayac
  • SoNNeikO

Vici Gaming
  • Paparazi 灬
  • Orys
  • Yang
  • Fade
  • Dy

The early game was fairly equal for both teams. Opponents were farming the necessary items, sometimes fighting with each other. 20 minutes in cn Vici Gaming got a slight advantage, killing four ua NAVI heroes in exchange for one of their own. The net worth difference amounted to 3k.

A few more good fights for the opponent allowed them to get far ahead, with 13k gold gap between the teams 32 minutes in. However, our guys did not give up and tried to catch cn Vici Gaming's heroes.

The game came to an end after 38 minutes. The enemy had a great fight, killing four heroes and losing only Aegis of the Immortal, and went for a push in the bottom lane. Having killed Razor who had just bought back, the Chinese players claimed the first game.

Game 2 - Natus Vincere [0: 2] Vici Gaming

Picks and bans

  • Crystallize
  • MagicaL
  • Blizzy
  • W_zayac
  • SoNNeikO

Vici Gaming
  • Paparazi 灬
  • Orys
  • Yang
  • Fade
  • Dy

The early stage of the game was tough for us: the opponent was consistently outfarming us on top of getting quite a few important kills on our cores, which led to us falling 7k gold behind. However, we weren't ready to give up just yet, trying to catch some enemy heroes.

cn Vici Gaming kept growing their lead by having great fights. So 30 minutes in they were already 14k gold ahead. Even though we kept catching enemy off-guard sometimes, all it did was hold the opponent a little bit behind, not letting them gain that much.

34 minutes in the “yellow-blacks” lost the tower and the barracks in the midlane, and in the ensuing fight, two more heroes. ua Natus Vincere was behind by 23k gold after that.

The series ended three minutes later, after a fight in the Dire jungle. Our guys lost four heroes and admitted defeat in the match - 0: 2.