
Happy Birthday, Saves!

R6 / News / 25 August 2019 — 07:30

Best wishes!

Today ua NAVI.GG.BET celebrates a significant event! pl Shimon “Saves” Kamenyak, a member of the Rainbow Six Siege team, celebrates his 20th birthday.

Despite the fact that pl Saves joined the Born to Win relatively recently, he managed to establish himself as a hardworking and talented player. Together with Shimon, the Rainbow Six team became the champions, earning not only a paycheck but also the love of numerous fans.

On behalf of ua Natus Vincere, we all join and congratulate pl Saves on his birthday and we want to wish him to always move only forward, conquering new heights! We are sure that Shimon will continue to delight all fans with his excellent game and will raise the championship cup together with his teammates more than once! Happy birthday! #NAVINATION