POKAMOLODOY — on PEL results, PUBG updates and the upcoming World Cup
From November 8, the NAVI.GG.BET team willfight in the PUBG Global Championship 2019, which will be held in the United States. Before the start of the tournament, we discussed with
Vadim “POKAMOLODOY” Ulshin the concluded phase of the PUBG Europe League and the results of
NAVI, as well as learned about the immediate plans of the squad.

Yes, we finished the phase in fourth place and for the first five weeks, we played consistently, confidently holding the top 3 positions. I guess we didn't have enough strength. We have been playing for six months in the League in Berlin (more than 250 matches).

The announcement of the new map was shortly before the start of the phase itself, it came as a surprise. We played about 20 games in practice matches, but that is not enough. There were no more practices on that map.

We have thought about it, there are very few people in CIS scene who'd fit that role. We're thinking about it.

Of these two teams, only CrowCrowd is going tothe PGC, at the distance they have gained a good form. Whether they will pick up a fight — I don’t know, we'll see.

Sometimes we'd go outside, very rarely. Only PUBG for six weeks: D

Rather no than yes.

No, not enough practices on this map, it's very different from the classic one. Plus this year we aimed to play on the classic Erangel at the PGC.

I have gotten it, do not take it, unless you really a very fun person in this game: D

This approach was at the very beginning of the existence of PUBG, with practical updates every two weeks, but they failed to do so. As a result, the new Erangel is one of the most recent good updates.

Around the 25th, we are going to the bootcamp in Moscow for about 10 days. We'll take a closer look at the teams that advanced to PGC, plus the practice matches, plus the individual game.

I play mostly regular public games with a stream, and about the vacation - it's probably after the PGC.

There was no such thing :)