
ESL One Genting 2018: the end of the fight

Dota 2 / News / 25 January 2018 — 11:56

The final fight.

After the victory of uaNAVI.GG.BET in the lower bracket, the next game of ours came right up, and the opponent was the very same as in our first game - usEvil Geniuses. The end score was 0-2, as we leave the tournament.

Game 1 - Natus Vincere [0:1] Evil Geniuses

Picks and bans

  • Crystallize
  • RodjER
  • SoNNeikO
  • GeneRaL
  • Dendi

Evil Geniuses
  • Cr1t-
  • Fear
  • MiSeRy
  • Arteezy
  • Suma1L

The first game of the series started off quite well for us, as we managed to get some important pickoffs on the enemy cores, and uaDendi was in a comfortable position in the midlane, taking down the T1 tower 9 minutes in. Game was still even, with the net worth advantage constantly shifting. However, with some kills going unpunished our way, we were able to establish good map control, and even went for Roshan 16 minutes in.

The Aegis was lost in a fight in the middle lane, and the situation on the map became less favorable to us, especially when Naga Siren managed to get Radiance. The game moved into a much slower tempo, with both teams trying to farm up core items. Ultimately, usEG went for the Roshan of their own and killed him quite fast. A few minutes later, after getting a couple of kills, they went up on our high ground - while [;ca:]Arteezy slept most of our team in the mid, usFear took down bot T3 and barracks.

The opponent did not go far, though, as they preferred to try and end the game then and there. Even though we did our best to defend, we ran out of options rather swiftly ones BKBs were down on uaCrystallize and uaDendi. Having lost several heroes, uaNAVI had nothing to do but give the game 1 to the opponent.

Game 2 - Natus Vincere [0:2] Evil Geniuses

Picks and bans

Evil Geniuses
  • Fear
  • MiSeRy
  • Cr1t-
  • Suma1L
  • Arteezy

  • SoNNeikO
  • RodjER
  • Crystallize
  • Dendi
  • GeneRaL

The second game saw some laning reshuffles, as uaGeneRaL went mid as Shadow Demon, while uaDendi shifted to offlane Timbersaw. Even though we rarely see something like that, it proved to be rather fruitful, as usFear had hard time against Timbersaw, with the first T1 falling in the bottom lane shortly after 5 minutes. However, the Radiant managed to get more kills than we did, and that allowed them to take all T1 towers rather early on.

With a decent advantage, usEG went for the first Roshan of the game and took it without contest from us, and gathered to take down some objectives. With some key items, they decided to try and go on our highground. We had little means to counter-initiate, and we lost almost the entirety of the team. GG, and uaNAVI end this journey.