
Kendrew, neLo and Pie — the new Rainbow Six Siege event

R6 / News / 26 October 2019 — 12:38

The event will be held from October 23 to November 6!

gb Kendrew, hr neLo and gb Pie shared their thoughts on the new Doktor's Curse in-game event, dedicated to Halloween. gb NAVI.GG.BET players commented on the event, told about the need for its own game editor, and also highlighted the most interesting cosmetic items.

Share your opinion on the event. Did the developers manage to convey the atmosphere of Halloween?
gb Luke «Kendrew» Kendrew

Yes, 100 percent, the skins, the feel of the reworked map, the mode itself, perfect for Halloween. Got a few scares being chased down by sledgehammers this week

hr Leon «neLo» Pesić
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I really like the new Halloween event it's a lot better than last year and I didn't have this much fun in a while, It's also on theme park which is a spooky map. Theme Park looks different trains are closed, and some rooms are different could this be part of rework?

gbEllis «Pie» Pyart
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The Halloween event was well done. Super fun with friends and a different experience in Siege.

Would you like such in-game events to happen more often? Or do you prefer the regular matchmaking?
gb Luke «Kendrew» Kendrew

Yes, yes and more yes, its fun to play around and have fun without the cost of ranked elo or competition, it's just having a good time with friends which at the end of the day is the main thing about gaming, doing these events multiple times throughout the year would be awesome.

hr Leon «neLo» Pesić
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I would definitely like to play events more often but this takes a lot of developers time which they need to focus on the primary game as well, I think like 4 events per year would be perfect

gbEllis «Pie» Pyart
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Yes, Would help keep the game fresh.

Perhaps the game should add a mode that resembles Arcade, just like in Overwatch?
gb Luke «Kendrew» Kendrew

Yes, I think Siege has a LONG way to go in terms of player comfort, there is a lot of things they could add, an arcade mode like you said, a custom warmup map, there is a lot of game modes they should explore.

hr Leon «neLo» Pesić
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When they gather enough good and fun modes I would like to see Arcade mode where they are rotating 1 mode each week, some people will come back to play the game just for that mode (Urf in League of Legends)

gbEllis «Pie» Pyart
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It depends, with proper communication between the community & the developers it could be good for the game.

Perhaps Ubisoft should think about releasing an in-game editor, in which regular players can make their own modes? What would you like to see from such users' works?
gb Luke «Kendrew» Kendrew

Again, 100 Percent, there is no reason not to, games such as CS:GO have this and it's incredible the things people have done teams can excel with prep in the server, smokes, nades, they can really go in-depth with their strategy. I feel like Siege needs this, allow the players to create modes they want. Aim warmups, bots, custom modes.

hr Leon «neLo» Pesić
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I don't see this happening anytime soon but if it happens people will create amazing modes.

gbEllis «Pie» Pyart
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I think so yes, People's imagination is crazy and would be cool to see what they could come up with, and perhaps be added into the game.

Which of the cosmetic items in the event did you like the most? How do you generally feel about items that are not in the original style of the game?
gb Luke «Kendrew» Kendrew

These cosmetics are some of the best ever released. The Lesion one is my favorite, they just have so much detail and they're unique, you can tell a lot of thought went into them, and they were pulled off greatly by some extremely talented devs. And about the boundaries, currently, there are too many game-breaking skins, Wind Bastion for example and Ember Rise, where players actually struggle to spot them, give us more skins like the Halloween event, please.

hr Leon «neLo» Pesić
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I really like Kapkan, Smoke and Lesion uniform and his headgear, I understand skins are profit for company but there are some skins that are giving you advantage because they can blend with a wall, Overwatch had really good solution for this basically their players are using any skin they want(lets say all pro players need to use default uniform) but spectator and viewers see players with different skins, uniforms, etc.

gbEllis «Pie» Pyart
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The cosmetics for this event were done amazingly & very happy with all of them. They've defiantly done a better job this time, as the last few cosmetics released have been a bit "controversial".