
cYpheR interview

Quake / News / 5 November 2019 — 16:11

CYpheR - on the tournament and future plans

After the Quake Pro League Stage 1 LAN finals, we interviewed by Alexey “cYpheR” Yanushevsky, who in the tournament. Alexey shared his impressions of the competition, and also compared Quake Champions and Apex Legends.

How do you like the tournament as a whole, happy with the conditions of the tournament?
by Alexey cYpheRYanushevsky
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The tournament as a whole was not bad. There were different little things, nuances, but insignificant, so I'm rating it about six out of ten :)

How unusual is the atmosphere of the game within the walls of the cathedral? Or was it a regular LAN tournament for you?
by Alexey cYpheRYanushevsky
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The first visit to this cathedral was a bit uncomfortable and strange. Now it makes no difference since this is my fifth visit to this place.

On the third map in the match against us rapha, you chose Anarki, and frankly, it didn’t work for you. What was the problem: unexpected actions of the opponent, a bad map or is it a difficult matchup for your champion?
by Alexey cYpheRYanushevsky
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The matchup was really not in my favor, but I had a certain idea of how I can win. Unfortunately, the quality of execution was questionable :)

How important are the starting kills in Quake Champions?
by Alexey cYpheRYanushevsky
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It depends on the map and the matchup, but in general, the first kills determines the dynamic of the further game. Sometimes the first frag does not solve anything, because you can be left completely without a stack, and the opponent spawn on another part of the map with the advantage. It's a hit or miss :)

Why you didn't manage to impose a fight against hu Raisy in the semifinals? On the third map, the strengths were almost equal, but the first two were clearly dominated by the Hungarian player.
by Alexey cYpheRYanushevsky
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He just outplayed me. I did not act smart enough to counter his game. I'm not very good at playing my own game with him at all.

Did anyone in the tournament show a result that surprised you? What can you say about the ru COOLLERZ's in-game shape?
by Alexey cYpheRYanushevsky
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I was surprised by my own result, I thought I would get sent home by gb GaRpY. Fortunately, I played well till the semifinals. Anton is a cool dude, unlimited respect for him. He struggled during training at the tournament, but in official matches, he turned up.

Nevertheless, debuting at the tournament as a challenger and reaching the semifinals is an excellent result. What is the next goal - the final of the second stage?
by Alexey cYpheRYanushevsky
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I will do my best to win the next LAN finals. The main thing is to work on the mistakes.

The second phase of Quake Pro League starts pretty soon. How do you plan to combine an esports career in Quake with coaching in Apex Legends?
by Alexey cYpheRYanushevsky
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The priority is to be one with the team and help the team solve all the related problems. In my free time, I will try not to lose shape in Quake.

Do you agree that Apex Legends and Quake Champions are somewhat similar? Do you think a professional player in Apex could build a career in QC right now, even if he is not familiar with the series at all?
by Alexey cYpheRYanushevsky
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The dynamics are a bit similar, but since they are two completely different worlds, I’m not quite sure. Quake is an old-school hardcore game in which you can be very good if you have devoted many years to it. Apex Legends is a young discipline and pretty much for the casual audience. In general, it’s hard to say, there are always talents who prove incredible things.

What about balance in Quake Champions: are there any characters that need to be nerfed in the first place?
by Alexey cYpheRYanushevsky
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Burth the Clutch :)

What champion would you like to prepare for future tournaments?
by Alexey cYpheRYanushevsky
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I want to practice Clutch :)