
Flamie: A record broken!

CS2 / News / 26 January 2018 — 20:28

A world record beaten!

Today, the player of uaNAVI.GG.BET has beaten a world record for the most kills in a single half in a tournament. ruEgor "Flamie" Vasilyev ended the first half of de_mirage against ruQuantum Bellator Fire at ELEAGUE Major 2018 with 32 kills - the highest number as of January 27; the game was ended with 39 kills for him - also very high on the list.

Stats by ELEAGUE

The previous record was held by ruWorldEdit at 31 at an online event, while the record for the most kills in a LAN in a half was held by dkMagisk at 29. But now it has been beaten, as ruflamie continues to unleash his best plays to make sure he delivers only the best performance for the team and the fans. Congratulations to Egor, and we wish him many more records broken and established anew by him. Great job! #gonavi