ELEAGUE Boston Major: Interview with flamie
Post-Quarterfinal interview!
Following NAVI.GG.BET’s confident showing against Quantum Bellator Fire in ELEAGUE Boston Major’s quarterfinals, we sat down with Egor “flamie” Vasilyev for a quick interview.
— First things first, today you have set several new world records as you broke Magisk’s and WorldEdit’s previous records. What has helped you to gain such an insane momentum against QBF? Was it a can of Monster Energy before the game?!
— I don’t know what is the secret, to be honest, I just felt a lot of confidence going into the game. I was in the right frame of mind and really wanted to win. And, of course, I drank Monster Energy as I played. :)
— What was your reaction to waterfaLLZ’s phrase (“enough with it, Egor”) and why didn’t it stop you? :) What are your thoughts on QBF in general and do you agree with the analysts who say that QBF are the team of only one tournament?
— Not much of a reaction, it was just a joke to lighten up the atmosphere, that's it. I can say only positive things about QBF, and I think they have done a great job preparing for this event. They have amazing potential, and, with a bit more practice, I think they can realize it fully.
— You have logged in around 300 hours on Steam during the two weeks before the major, what did you do aside from CWs? Did you play MM, aim maps or something else?
— Honestly, 300 hours is not really a correct number, because I kept my Football Manager window open, but I played around 100-130 hours of CS. I don’t usually play matchmaking because I prefer FPL and CIS Pro League, and sometimes aim bots and DMs.
— You will be facing FaZe Clan tomorrow, have you learned from your mistakes and are you ready to take your revenge?
— Of course, we are ready for any type of game, but we will be practicing hard for this match. I hope that we will step up our game and perform better than last time.
— What are your overall thoughts on the major and the audience? Are there many NAVI fans?
— I like it! We have all the conditions we need, there’s nothing to complain about. We've got quite a few fans supporting us here, just the same as everywhere else. Natus Vincere has a lot of loyal supporters all around the world, which makes me really happy. It is very motivating! Thank you for your support. It means a lot to us.
- Meanwhile, we have FUT Championship going on in Barcelona, and we know that you are a big football fan. Do you have time to support our Yozhyk in between the games?
— Unfortunately, I don’t have enough time for that now, but of course, I wish Yozhyk to win the title! #gonavi