
Happy Birthday Dendi!

Dota 2 / News / 30 December 2019 — 10:10

Many happy returns!

On the eve of the New Year ua NAVI.GG.BET celebrates a birthday of a legendary player — ua Danil "Dendi" Ishutin! The best Pudge, the most recognizable mid-player on the professional stage, the person many current pro players considered an example — the list can go on and on.

During his many years with the yellow-blacks, Danil has become a true legend of the club. Together with ua NAVI, he experienced ups and downs, achieved exciting victories, both for himself and the team. It doesn't come as a surprise that ua Dendi is the idol of hundreds of thousands of players around the world who felt inspired by his game.

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Publication by (@dendiq)

Friendliness, the ability to work hard and the charm of ua Dendi are well-known: even the laconic owner of Valve Gabe Newell at one time called Danylo the most charismatic player of our time. 

We're incredibly proud to be able to say that ua Dendi's talent was revealed in ua NAVI. On behalf of the entire organization, we want to wish the player success in all endeavors. We are sure that efforts and work will bear fruit and ua Dendi will conquer many new heights. Happy Birthday, Danil! #navination