
Clawz: «There just shouldn't be any disconnects in the game.»

APEX / News / 5 January 2020 — 04:36

Clawz - about the results of the year, tournaments and much more.

In an interview with our website, by Nikita "clawz" Marchinsky summed up the results of 2019, evaluated the new tournament system in Apex Legends, and also stated that he is a cooler witcher than Henry Cavill.

Can you briefly summarize the year for yourself? What was achieved and what plans have not been properly fulfilled?
byNikita "clawz" Marchinsky
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The plans, in general, have been accomplished. Getting into ua NAVI is great. It’s great to stay in good competitive shape at tournaments, especially when you come after ten years of Quake.

You've been to three LAN tournaments as part of by NAVI. Which one was the most memorable for you? And why was it so memorable?
byNikita "clawz" Marchinsky
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San Diego, Twitch Rivals. It was a week of a delightful resort.

What do you for 2020? 12 LAN tournaments in a year - isn't that a big number? You may have to drop out of some of them.
byNikita "clawz" Marchinsky
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We'll see. It's better to pass up than to sit idle for six months. And so, for starters, it sounds super.

Teams will get to the main tournament, earning a certain number of qualifying points. It looks as if Respawn Entertainment decided to adopt the experience of the DPC season from Valve. Are you satisfied with this decision?
byNikita "clawz" Marchinsky
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Frankly speaking, it makes no difference to me by which system my team will be superior to others.

Do you think that such a busy competitive season will help APEX Legends reach the first place on the esports scene, leaving behind Fortnite and PUBG?
byNikita "clawz" Marchinsky
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With Fortnite it's unlikely, but it's nice that the game is quite nice to watch for spectators and has some potential.

The winner of the LAN tournaments will be determined in the same way as at the Preseason Invitational. Personally, do you like this system, or do you think it's fairer to play a certain number of rounds?
byNikita "clawz" Marchinsky
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On such a map, playing a certain number of rounds is indeed fairer.

At the last GLL Series tournament, you disconnected from the game, this happened at the Preseason Invitational too. How do you think this issue should be regulated by the rules of the championships? A complete rematch of the map?
byNikita "clawz" Marchinsky
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It should simply not be possible. You can't just keep replaying the match.

Your debut game in the GLL Series was unsuccessful, but the next day - you were able to rehabilitate yourself and take 4th place in the championship. What went wrong on the first day?
byNikita "clawz" Marchinsky
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Half of the games are disconnects and the other half are just mistakes and bad plays. Now we know for sure how to play.

In one of the last matches, eu Alliance players killed you while on the prohibited area of the map. If it wasn't for this moment, do you think you could have taken a higher place?
byNikita "clawz" Marchinsky
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That's right, once again, we've had bad luck bumping into unfair players.

As far as we know, a similar incident occurred at the Preseason Invitational. Coincidence or personal enmity?
byNikita "clawz" Marchinsky
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A recurrence.

Which teams will become your main competitors in 2020?
byNikita "clawz" Marchinsky
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Not that there would be some kind of competition during the game, except that our unit will have to be protected from the Western foreigners. But in general, the strongest teams that can compete for our trophies are ru Luminosity Gaming and us Team SoloMid.

In the Rainbow Six discipline, Pro League LAN finals are always held in different countries. Would you want to see that Apex Legends will follow down this path? In which country would you like the tournament to take place?
byNikita "clawz" Marchinsky
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Of course, that sounds great. I would like to attend a tournament in Japan.

How do you like the current meta on the professional stage? What characters do teams choose in scrims now? And why would be that the case?
byNikita "clawz" Marchinsky
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The meta hasn't changed much, but Gibraltar is quite playable now. Too much of an open terrain: the dome allows you to live for 15 seconds in wild hell, and during this time usually a lot of things happen in the game. But in general, of course, it depends on the style of the team.

What can you say about the map? Should a professional scene be presented exclusively on one map or should there be rotations? Would you be happy to return to the old map pool?
byNikita "clawz" Marchinsky
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I actually do not know. I don't care. One tournament can have a rotation of maps, and the other can be without.

How is your team practice going right now? What role does by cYpheR play in them?
byNikita "clawz" Marchinsky
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We run around and kill everyone, and Alexei brings us coffee and often shares his cool and collected views. And makes sure that we're one.

In addition to coaching, by cYpher is involved in the second season of the Quake League. Do you follow his matches, help with tips? As far as we know, you even practice together.
byNikita "clawz" Marchinsky
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I follow the matches, Alexei does not seek any advice. And in terms of practice - only a spontaneous, one match in four months is quite possible.

Recently, you and your team attended a party dedicated to the 10th anniversary of ua NAVI. Share your impressions. Did you meet any of your idols?
byNikita "clawz" Marchinsky
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It was great, it's a shame we got there so late. Nevertheless, I met my best friends Kirill, Stas and Zhenya. And an unforgettable ua Dendi touches and hugs with ua Zeus.

Please, share your team’s plans for the holidays. Will you take a break from the game or will you keep practicing?
byNikita "clawz" Marchinsky
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I would have rested until January 10, but on January 2 we already started playing scrims.

Did you have a chance to watch "The Witch" by Netflix? What do you think?
byNikita "clawz" Marchinsky
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I am half way done and I liked it. But, of course, when you know certain things, it's much more pleasant to watch.

Many viewers of the show noted that Henry Cavill blended in perfectly with the role of Geralt from Rivia. Do you think you'd play better?
byNikita "clawz" Marchinsky
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Sure, I would play better. I played through the third Witcher four times.

A few words to your fans and haters. And also personally to each of the teammates.
byNikita "clawz" Marchinsky
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I love you all.

Should we wait for the streams in 2020?
byNikita "clawz" Marchinsky
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Not the first half of the year. And then we'll see.