
Ami: «Every NAVI Junior player has gotten stronger.»

CS2 / News / 17 January 2020 — 17:48

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ua NAVI Junior coach ua Amiran "Ami" Rekhviashvili gave an interview to our site. Amiran spoke about the team's performance at Vertigo, the distribution of roles in the lineup and the reasons for acquiring a new player.

— Hi! How would you rate the progress of the guys after completing the NAVI Esports Camp?
uaAmiran "Ami" Rekhviashvili
NAVI.Junior coach

In the summer camp, the guys learned a lot of useful things for themselves. Now we have an excellent schedule, we get up on time and try to eat well, the guys continue to play sports and follow the advice of the summer camp coaches. We showed them the right look at CS and the big sport in general. Progress is seen primarily in their outlook on life and, most importantly, in the proper prioritization. They also received important basic knowledge about CS, which helps us in our future work.

— You took part in several tournaments where you met opponents of tier— 2 list. In your opinion, what is the composition missing to perform stably?
uaAmiran "Ami" Rekhviashvili
NAVI.Junior coach

The main thing that we lack is experience and, of course, an understanding of the game in some situations. The guys only get acquainted with the proper CS, and such matches and tournaments give us valuable experience and the opportunity to improve.

— It is worth noting a very good teamplay on Vertigo. What is the key to success?
uaAmiran "Ami" Rekhviashvili
NAVI.Junior coach

For us it was a new map, and we began to study its basics from the very beginning. We sorted out all the micro-moments and the interaction of the players, which paid off. I think our main strength at Vertigo is understanding what needs to be done in each situation, and, of course, rotation. The squad has a large pool of rounds, and it is very difficult for opponents of tier— 2 and above to adapt to such a game.

— How are the roles in the team distributed now? Who is the leader in the game?
uaAmiran "Ami" Rekhviashvili
NAVI.Junior coach

ru Gospadarov is our AWP player and captain. Kirill feels great game and interacts well with the team. In addition, he is very hardworking and learns quickly. Time will pass, and he will surely become a top shot caller. ru Kapacho and ua Topa are supports on most maps, they manage to play smartly, and this will give us a good groundwork in the future. ua B1t and ru Aunkere are usually in the main strike forces: they have a very cool micro, which often allows you to open points. The guys still have to work hard to get better, but the progress is obvious.

— Which of the NAVI.Junior players ua , in your opinion, over the past time has grown most noticeably in the individual and teamplay?
uaAmiran "Ami" Rekhviashvili
NAVI.Junior coach

I can't single out someone, each player has become much stronger in all aspects, from understanding the macro to everyday life.

— Recently, 14 year old player ru Ilya “m0NESY” Osipov joined Natus Vincere. How did you find him?
uaAmiran "Ami" Rekhviashvili
NAVI.Junior coach

I noticed Ilya a long time ago: his name was well known to many organizations. I am glad that we managed to sign him at his young age. He has a good sense of play and amazing skills. I think everyone noticed ru m0NESY talent, but at the same time, he still needs to learn a lot to get to the top level.

— What are the plans for integrating ru m0NESY into ua NAVI.Junior?
uaAmiran "Ami" Rekhviashvili
NAVI.Junior coach

So far, Ilya is very young, and cannot play with us in tournaments. We brought him in for the future. We plan to involve him with our practices in Junior squad and, of course, bootcamps with the guys. We will also study separately with Ilya so that he can learn as soon as possible what the proper CS is.

— What next tournaments will ua NAVI.Junior take part?
uaAmiran "Ami" Rekhviashvili
NAVI.Junior coach

Today we will play the open qualification . We also perform at LEGENDS.BET L33T CUP, and we were also invited to the CMD368 championship. There will be many matches!