S1mple — MVP IEM Katowice 2020
Another MVP for s1mple
In the grand finals, NAVI defeated G2 (3 : 0) and became the winner of IEM Katowice 2020! This achievement was largely made possible by Sasha's excellent performance. The skill of
s1mple didn't go unnoticed, as he was recognized as the MVP of IEM Katowice 2020 according to HLTV.org. Congratulations!
Today's award is the first for Sasha in 2020. As for the total number of MVP awards earned by s1mple, he's already got nine. Notably, this is the first award in the IEM tournaments for the player.
Let's take a look at s1mple stats at IEM Katowice 2020: 371–252, + 119 K-D; 1,33 rating; 0,83 KPR and 87,6 ADR. In addition, Sasha showed the best K-D (+ 119), took the first place in kills (371), took the top-1 in AWP kills (194) and had the best successful opening duels percentage (73,8 %).