
ESL Pro League S11: defeat vs fnatic

CS2 / News / 9 April 2020 — 16:11

The game starts at 18:25 CEST

In the final round of ESL Pro League S11,  ua Natus Vincere will face  se fnatic. The match will start at 18:25 CEST on April 9 and will be in the best of 3 format.

The Born to Win were quite successful in the second stage of the championship,- 3 wins and 1 loss. So, the guys  beat dk Astralis,  eu OG and  eu FaZe Clan, and all the series were similar in some respect:  ua NAVI would lose the first map, but then come back and claim 3 points. As for  se fnatic, the Swedes have the same number of points as our team. They beat eu FaZe, dk Astralis and eu mousesports to achieve this. The only defeat of se fnatic was by eu OG (1: 2).

The last time ua NAVI faced se fnatic was during ESL Pro League S11 Stage 1, and our guys were the winners (2 : 0). In the last three months, the opponent has the best results on Inferno (8 wins, 3 losses) and Dust2 (6 wins, 2 losses). The Swedes have the worst performance on Vertigo (1 victory, 2 losses) and Train (1 victory, 1 loss). Notably, se fnatic doesn't have a permaban map. We hope that  ua  Natus Vincere will again defeat this opponent and advance to the playoffs of the tournament! #navination

ESL Pro League S11 (BO3)
April 9 at 18:25 CEST
Natus Vincere
  • s1mple
  • electronic
  • Boombl4
  • flamie
  • Perfecto
  • JW
  • Brollan
  • flusha
  • Golden


The first pistol round, as well as the eco round, went to the  NAVI. As usual in this meta, the first gun round was seen in the third round, and it ended in favor of se fnatic. Then there was an exchange of rounds between the teams, which led to problems with the economy of terrorists. 

After recovering the economy, the Swedes were unable to turn the tide. Before the ninth round, the fnatic took time out. The short discussion bore fruit: the Swedish Five scored the third point. The opponent never managed to get a lot of points in the attack and lost the first half with the score 4 : 11.

In order to increase the chances of the comeback for the defense side, se fnatic wanted to win either the pistol round or force buy. The opponent succeeded in this task by winning the pistol. The Swedish team had no problem with the eco rounds of terrorists.

Despite the open frag in the twenty-first round,  NAVI could not win the second gun round by carrying out the B-Plant attack. This outcome allowed the Swedes to reduce the difference to two points — 10 : 12. In the twenty-third round,  Natus Vincere attempted to break the B side but failed. 

 NAVI managed to interrupt the winning streak of the Swedish team in the twenty-sixth round. Thus, the score in the match was equal — 13 : 13. Unfortunately, the final stretch was behind the Swedish team. The final result — 16 : 13 in favor of se fnatic.

Natus Vincere
Игроки Kill/Death +/- ADR Rating
Boombl4 23-20 +3 92.8 1.28
electronic 22-16 +6 93.3 1.27
s1mple 17-18 -1 56.9 0.93
flamie 13-18 -5 57.1 0.81
Perfecto 13-16 -3 49.8 0.76


The starting section of Nuke was behind  NAVI: our team won the pistol round, force buy and eco. The first gun round ended in favor of the opponent, but our guys managed to win the round in return and leave the terrorists without money.

However,  Natus Vincere players did not take advantage of the opportunity, as they lost to the eco. From that moment on, the Born to Win could not find a way to break into the Swedish team's defense. However,  NAVI performed better at the end of the first half, which allowed the team to lose with a more acceptable score — 6 : 9.

In the second pistol and eco round stronger was our five. The gun round went on without losses for the Swedish team — 10 : 8. This failure forced  NAVI players to do one eco.

One of the last chances of our team to catch up in the game was the twenty-second round, otherwise the game and economic advantage of se fnatic would became too significant. The guys couldn't do it. As a result, se fnatic beat  NAVI on Nuke — 16 : 9.

Natus Vincere
Игроки Kill/Death +/- ADR Rating
s1mple 22-20 +2 78.8 1.15
electronic 11-18 -7 68.7 0.86
Boombl4 12-21 -9 58.2 0.73
flamie 5-19 -14 48.7 0.42
Perfecto 7-21 -14 54.2 0.41

Overall stats

Natus Vincere
Игроки Kill/Death +/- ADR Rating
electronic 33-34 -1 81.9 1.06
Boombl4 35-41 -6 76.8 1.01
s1mple 39-38 +1 67.0 1.00
flamie 18-37 -19 53.2 0.62
Perfecto 20-37 -17 51.8 0.60