
Happy birthday m0NESY!

CS2 / News / 1 May 2020 — 08:08


ua NAVI Junior is having a celebration today — ru Ilya“m0NESY” Osipov turns 15. Join the warm wishes to our junior!

Ilya joined the Born to Win in January this year. The young age doesn't stop the player on the esports scene: before ua NAVI ru m0NESY performed as part of ru S-Gaming and ru NewBALLS, and most recently, in March, was invited to join FACEIT Pro League and became one of the youngest participants of the FPL.

Ilya's gameplay and determination are truly impressive. The professional path of the young player is just beginning, and training with ua NAVI Junior will reveal the potential of ru m0NESY even more. We are sure that all important victories and achievements are waiting for him ahead.

On behalf of ua Natus Vincere, we congratulate the young player and wish only the best, brightest emotions! #navination