
Introducing so bad

Dota 2 / News / 25 May 2020 — 13:30

So bad is the new NAVI player!

On May 22, a new player joined ua Natus Vincere - byVitaly “so bad” Oshmankevich, who replaced ua Semyon “CemaTheSlayeR” Krivulya. Let's get to know the newest player.

Vitaly is a native of Minsk, he is 24 years old. Somewhat unexpectedly for himself, he decided to try his hand at a competitive level, playing in a tournament with random players. He liked this experience, and after that, by so bad devoted himself to Dota big time.

He's encountered Dota 2 by accident. His friends and he were offered to play a 2v1 mid in a computer club. Opponent did not leave a chance to the duo, but Vitaly really liked the game. This is how the player made the first steps towards Valve’s MOBA.

During the time with FCDB Esports

The first professional team of by so bad was the one established by Dynamo (Brest). At that time, by LastHero invited him to play in a tournament, with sponsorship as the main prize. The team confidently took first place and then throughout the year defended the colors of Dynamo. For some time, Vitaly was even a coach.

by So bad did not achieve much success on his first professional team, but at the beginning of 2019 he received an invitation to join ru Vega Squadron. It was there that Vitaly gained recognition.

At first, the team did not show particularly impressive results, although ru Vega Squadron managed to become the champion ofQi Invitational Europe. The road to The International 2019 began with the open qualifier. Second time seemed to be the charm for the team — they made it through the open quals on their second try.

As part of Vega Squadron

This is probably the highest point in the career of by so bad so far: unexpectedly for many ru Vega Squadron showed an extremely confident game, leaving no chance for any of the rivals in the group stage - 7: 0!

Unfortunately for the team, the “sharks” failed to maintain such a pace in the playoffs, they lost in the finals of the upper bracket toru Winstrike Team, and it wasua Natus Vincere who eliminated them in the lower bracket. Nevertheless, the run of ru Vega Squadron will be remembered for quite a while.

In the current season, Vitaly played for ru Team Unique most of the time. by So bad showed his extensive hero pool and high average KDA.

As part of Team Unique

As for the heroes, Vitaly is rather adaptable, as he's a great position 4 player. The signature hero of his is Dark Willow: more than 50 matches with a 66.67% win rate.

Overall, we can say that ua Natus Vincere acquired a player with a wide pool of heroes and a clear desire to achieve great heights on the professional stage. We welcome Vitaly to the team and are confident that on the battlefield he will be the exact opposite of his nickname! #navination