
OGA Dota PIT Season 2: facing FlyToMoon

Dota 2 / News / 29 July 2020 — 09:05

The game starts at 14:00 CEST

The lower bracket of OGA Dota PIT Season 2 will see ua Natus Vincere fight ua FlyToMoon. The match is going to be best of 3.

The opponent had a rough start at the tournament, losing the first game 0:2 to eu Nigma. Having dropped into the lower bracket, ua FlyToMoon managed to come back, defeating  eu — 2:1.

Overall the opponent is quite strong. Aside from former ua NAVI player ua GeneRaL, known to many fans, the squad also has ua Iceberg, ua V-Tune, ua ALOHADANCE, and ua ALWAYSWANNAFLY. This is a strong team capable of giving anyone a run for their money.

Join the stream and support ua Natus Vincere! The match is not going to be easy, but we hope it will bring victory for our guys! #navination

OGA Dota PIT Season 2 (best of 3)
July 29, 14:00 CEST
0 : 2
Natus Vincere
  • Crystallize
  • young G
  • 9pasha
  • Immersion
  • illias

  • V-Tune
  • Iceberg
  • GeneRaL