
Daily Trios Cup: Putrick in first place

News / 4 August 2020 — 20:34

Putrick — top 1!

The Daily Trios Cup continues! On August 4th ru Putrick together with rs EP.Queasy and us BL.Henchmen took first place in the tournament. The prize was $400. 

In ten games the trio scored 297 points, 185 of which were earned for strong placements: the players won three games. The rest of the points were scored for kills. 

ru Putrick had been in the top 2 and top 3 in this tournament several times before, but it is the first time he has won the Daily Trios Cup under the banner of ua Natus Vincere. We are sure that the player still has many more achievements ahead of him! #navination

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