9impulse and clawz — about the shield changes
New patch in Apex Legends
Apex Legends has released a patch, which reverted the armor health to the pre-season 6 values (with the start of the new season all values were reduced by 25). Kirill "9impulse" Kostiv and Nikita "clawz" Marchinsky shared their views on how the update will affect the meta game.
Apart from the armor change, the developers have fixed a lot of bugs related to the characters. Read the full patch note .

I was actually fine with both patches. At first, I was glad that the "ttk" was reduced: the game was perceived slightly differently. Now everything is back, which means that you don't have to get used to changes.

I liked the new patch when the fights ended a little faster. But I haven't played with this change in scrims, so it's difficult to give a definitive answer.

Wingman (previously you only needed two headshots, and you'd down an enemy with the purple armor), now you need to hit more. And sniper rifles are also a little weaker.

Wingman is the only weapon that got weaker because you have to hit more shots.