New NAVI Apex player
Welcome MaxStrafe
Natus Vincere esports club has signed up the third player for the Apex Legends roster:
Maksym “MaxStrafe” Stadniuk joins the team.
Before the Born to Win MaxStrafe was a part of
GnaskeStrafeDel and managed to make it to ALGS Super Regional playoff, which is going to take place on September 13th. Maksym will start practicing with
NAVI players right after the tournament ends.
MaxStrafe has a vast experience of competing in esports tournaments. He has been playing CS:GO, Titanfall, Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, and Battalion 1944 since 2011. He was regularly participating in Call of Duty 4 Kyiv LAN tournaments; he was also the captain of the Ukrainian national team.
MaxStrafe became famous internationally thanks to Battalion 1944: Maksym became the runner-up of Epic.LAN tournament in Kettering when playing for
London Esports, and took fourth place at Victory LAN in Ghent.
MaxStrafe shifted to Apex Legends at the beginning of 2020.

“I’d like to thank Natus Vincere and the players for their faith in me. I’m sure we will be able to achieve mutual understanding and show good results on all the upcoming tournaments. I am set on victory and I will do everything I can to achieve the goal.”

“After a long period of unsatisfactory results we’ve come to a decision that we need fresh blood thanks to which the drums of war will sound with the renewed vigor, and our hearts will beat in time with it as before. Max is a strongly motivated and awesome player, one of the strongest in Europe, his personal skill is stunning. Join his streams and you’ll see it yourselves.
The new time has come to us: it’s time to enjoy victories, not just gain experience.”
NAVI Apex Legends roster:
Kirill “9impulse” Kostiv
Nikita “clawz” Marchinsky
Maksym “MaxStrafe” Stadniuk
Aleksandr “SA” Kravchuk (manager)