
MaxStrafe: Introduction

APEX / News / 11 September 2020 — 11:10

Maksym "MaxStrafe" Stadnyuk is a new player of Natus Vincere

Yesterday ua Maksym "MaxStrafe" Stadnyuk joined the team, replacing ru Dmitriy "Fyzu" Petrov. Let's talk about ua Natus Vincere newcomer.

First, let's note the vast esports experience of the player. Apex Legends is definitely not the first game for Maksym: earlier he played Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, Quake Champions, Titanfall 2, as well as Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare and Battalion 1944. The last 2 titles brought him the most success.

The fourth part of Call of Duty became the foundation of ua MaxStrafe's career. At the age of 15 he took part in the first LAN of his life — Vault City #2 in Kyiv. ua MaxStrafe was recognized as one of the best CIS snipers, participated in various ladders, and he was also a part of an international team. In total, Maksym was a part of 10 competitions (including international ones), and he was also the captain of the Ukrainian national team.

 ua MaxStrafe, as mentioned above, had periods of Counter-Strike: Global Offensive and Quake Champions: the player even got to take part in LANs, but didn't get higher than tier-2. The next important step was Battalion 1944. The game captured Maksym: he went pro and took part in international competitions — Victory LAN (fourth place) and Epic.LAN — EPIC28 (2nd place), playing for gb London Esports.

But the title soon dwindled down, and ua MaxStrafe turned to Apex Legends. Being an experienced player, he quickly adapted to the new game and went pro once again.

By the end of February 2020, eu GnaskeStrafeDel, the name being a combination of participants' nicks — dk Gnaske, ua MaxStrafe и gb SirDel, was created. This was an international trio, which didn't stop them from showing great games on the tournaments.

The team often made it to the final stages of ALGS Online, and their crown achievement was the victory at ALGS Online #6 — Europe and ALGS Super Regional #2 — EMEA. The fourth place at GLL Masters Summer — EMEA is also notable, as it's a very good result for such a competitive scene. All of those allowed eu GnaskeStrafeDel to take the 10th place in the EU rating, and also advance to ALGS Super Regional playoff.

Fun fact: Maksym's nickname used to be MiXeR, as he was often called to sub for one or another team. Later, the player started calling himself MaxStrafe, and his name is easily noticeable.

We're sure Maksym will be showing the same great plays in by Natus Vincere, and his signature Pathfinder will become the nightmare of the opponents! #navination


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