
Show Match Na`Vi 2010 vs NAVI 2020 — the most popular event in August

CS2 / News / 11 September 2020 — 20:47

Show Match is the most popular event

In the monthly wrap-up, has revealed the five most popular esports events on twitch among the Russian-speaking community. Na`Vi 2010 vs NAVI 2020, which took place on August 1st, has topped the list.

The peak was 135k viewers who spectated the battle of the old and the new rosters of the Born to Win. This is 20k more than the League of Legends Continental League, which was second in this ranking.

The list also includes the ESL One Cologne 2020 Europe and of ua NAVI. At its peak, the broadcast was watched by 93 thousand Russian-speaking viewers. The OMEGA League Divine Division closes the five popular events: ua Natus Vincere and ru HellRaisers was watched by 50 thousand fans. 

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