
IEM Beijing 2020 Europe: vs MAD Lions

CS2 / News / 7 November 2020 — 11:34

The match will start at 15:00 CET

In the first round of the IEM Beijing 2020 Europe, ua Nauts Vincere will face dk MAD Lions. The match will start on November 7th at 15:00 CET and will last up to two victories of one of the teams.

At the start of December, the Danish team signed two new players to the squad: dk HooXi and dk refrezh from dk x6tence. Since then, dk MAD Lions have secured an invite to BLAST Premier: Fall Showdown, won a slot on Elisa Invitational Fall 2020 and also came in second place in the Nine to Five #5 tournament, losing the pl Wisla Krakow final 1 : 2.

The last time ua NAVI and dk MAD Lions played each other was DreamHack Masters Spring 2020, and back then our five won (2 : 0). In the last three months, our opponent had the best results on Vertigo (6 wins, 0 losses). The Danes have the worst results on Dust2 (0 wins, 3 defeats), and so the opponent prefers to ban this map.

IEM Beijing 2020 Europe (BO3)
November 7, 15:00 CET
Natus Vincere
  • s1mple
  • electronic
  • Boombl4
  • flamie
  • Perfecto
      MAD Lions
  • acoR
  • sjuush
  • HooXi
  • roej
  • refrezh

