
DreamHack Open 2020 Duos: tournament recap

News / 9 November 2020 — 16:22

The guys showed great performance!

ua Natus Vincere players ru Daniil "Putrick" Abdrakhmanov and ru Igor "7tor" Popov took part in Duos tournament DreamHack Open 2020. The results are presented in this material. 

ru 7tor's teammate was ru l1nk, and ru Putrick played with the ru player ru Kiryache32. The tournament consisted of three stages: qualification, semi-final and final. Our duos had no problems overcoming the path to the final stage and were among the top 50 strongest teams.

According to the results of six final fights, our guys have achieved a certain success: the duo of ru 7tor and ru l1nk took 17th place, while ru Putrick and ru Kiryache32 took 27th place. The teams won $ 1,800 and $ 800 respectively. 

Putrick's results

7tor's results

After the tournament, they briefly commented on their results. 

Are you satisfied with your result?
ruIgor «7tor» Popov
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I would not say that I am satisfied with the result, but I am not upset either. It was our minimum (to get to the top 20), which we should be taking.

Why did you fail to reach the semifinals of the first qualifiers? What went wrong?
ruIgor «7tor» Popov
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We didn't make it in the first quals due to the fact that in the last games we started to drop on the most popular location (Stark), as we thought we were already going to the semifinals. But it turned out that in order to qualify we had to score much more points. 

Which tournament mode do you like the most: squad, trio, duo, solo, and Why?
ruIgor «7tor» Popov
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Most of all I like the duo mode, because your teammate in duos is usually the person with whom you feel more comfortable and pleasant to play. And, even if your teammate did die in the game, it's much easier to clutch 1 v 2 or play a late-game solo than for example in trios or squads. And solos, I just don't like it.

What are your impressions after the tournament? Are you satisfied with your and ru Kiryache32's result? 
ruDaniil «Putrick» Abdrakhmanov
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This is our first tournament together, we made it to the DreamHack finals, but we could be placed higher. We often had players who had ruined our game on purpose, so we'll play much better in the next tournament!

Is there any duo that was able to surprise you with a result or a playstyle?
ruDaniil «Putrick» Abdrakhmanov
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To be honest, no one surprised me. The duo, who won this tournament, has been showing excellent results in other modes for a long time.

Your list of the most annoying moments or lags of the game that you encounter in online tournaments?
ruDaniil «Putrick» Abdrakhmanov
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The most annoying moment is when you fly with full hp on impulse and you get killed in a second. And also frequent crashes.

We congratulate the guys with new heights. We are sure that this was not the last time when the Born to Win pleased their fans with their successes! #navination