
NAVI is the most popular team at IEM Beijing Online 2020 Europe!

CS2 / News / 23 November 2020 — 18:08

The matches with NAVI is in the top 3!

ua Natus Vincere became the team whose games were watched the most during IEM Beijing Online 2020 Europe. Three matches with the participation of the Born to Win entered the top 3 matches with the largest number of spectators.

According to , the most interesting match for spectators was the final of the online championship, where ua NAVI faced fr  Team Vitality: 501,222 concurrent viewers watched it live.

The second place took the match against dk Astralis: it was watched by about 350 000 viewers. In the third place is the match against G2 Esports, which attracted more than 300,000 spectators. The ua Natus Vincere's game against us compLexity Gaming also got in the top 5, which gathered about 235 000 fans in front of their screens.

Recall that ua Natus Vincere took in the IEM Beijing 2020: Europe championship, losing the final match to fr Team Vitality with the score 2 : 3. #navination