
NAVI PUBG Mobile — Altel Cyber Games 2020 S3 Champions

PUBG Mobile / News / 8 February 2021 — 10:50

Another achievement for the Born to Win!

The PUBG Mobile team is the champion of the Altel Cyber Games 2020 S3, which took place online from February 4-7. zz NAVI earned ₸ 1,200,000 ($2,830) of the total prize pool of ₸ 3,000,000 ($7,075) for first place. 

A total of 16 teams from the CIS region participated in the third season of Altel Cyber Games. Our squad earned 210 points and beat zz 1218, ru Alliance, and zz KoninaPower. 

ru Daniel "Tixzy" Suchkov was crowned as an MVP of the tournament. He made over thirty kills during the whole tournament. 

Congratulations to zz Natus Vincere with another achievement! Recall that recently our team won the Major Pride League 2021, and before that took fourth place at the PUBG Mobile Global Championship in Dubai, UAE. #navination